1. Hi Jessica,

    I have been searching your blog tonight on the hunt for encouraging posts about working moms. I knew I would find them. I have a 2.5 year old son and I’m 5 months pregnant with a little girl. I’m blessed to work from home, but it is a challenge at times, too, to “turn work off” and focus on family and vice versa. I’m also in a transition period with my job and lots of questions are swirling in my mind about what’s best for my family. I truly believe that I need to work – to have that outlet for myself and to have something personal to work towards, but some days I struggle with if I’m doing the right thing for my family. I know God will continue to guide my steps as I see Him and I’m thankful to read your encouragement as a working mom of two kids.

    Thank you!

  2. I think I understand what your point is in this post, however when I read,

    “Sometimes I feel like stay-at-home moms judge working moms because they are not home with their kids. I also feel like some men judge me because I work instead of stay-at-home”

    seems to imply that moms that stay-at-home do not work. As I reflect upon the times I was home with my children fulltime I recall feeling as if I had worked harder than any out-of-my-home employment. I also think that women and men come to conclusions about (judge) women who do not work outside their homes.

  3. Really? This only got two comments. I felt so encouraged when I read this. I work and I have 3 preschool age girls. I fully support stay at home moms, because I know that there is no tougher or more rewarding job. I feel my girls are happy at home with their nanny and super excited when I come home too!
    But its great to hear another mom in that situation say…. its ok!
    Thank you!!

    1. Thanks for your kind words. This post actually got a TON of comments, but when I moved to WordPress, I lost all my comments. 🙁

  4. Hi Jessica, I tried to find the link on your husband’s blog to his article, but it’s not working anymore. Could you send it to me? Thanks!

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