Planning an Elmo Birthday Party
It dawned on me a little over a week ago that Elias is going to be TWO next month, and I need to get cracking on his birthday party!
So, Elmo birthday party planning is in full-swing.
Here’s the plan:
The Invitation
I looked at a bunch of Elmo invitations on Etsy, but after this post by Becky Higgins, I decided a photo invite of Elias wearing an Elmo shirt would be just as cute! I am using photo card creations to print the invites. Here is what the outside flap of the invite will look like. (I designed it in photoshop.)
We are going to do a 9-11 am party at a local park because
a) Elias loves the park
b) Our condo is too small and on a second story = not conducive to a bunch of toddlers
c) It is free (and renting a place like Gymboree seems silly to me since he won’t remember it and will have just as much fun at the park)
Last year we did his party in the afternoon and it was so hot, so I am hoping the morning party will work well. It is before lunch and nap time, which is Elias’s best time of day.
Even though I am generally against sweets in the morning, I think we can make an exception for Elias’s birthday. 🙂
I think I am going to make him an Elmo cake using this Elmo cake pan. Won’t it be adorable? Another option that I am considering is to make these Elmo cupcakes.
My friend Lisa also sent me a link to these Elmo cookies, which I think are so fun.
I bought Elmo cupcake wrappers, and I plan to fill them with fresh fruit, which I think will be adorable and yummy.
For drinks we will have coffee (for the parents), orange juice and water (those mini water bottles).A
Other Elmo Details
As you may remember, I have Elmo gift baskets for everyone. Each will be filled with two Sesame Street books, a coloring book and goldfish crackers (ala Elmo’s goldfish Dorothy).
I have printed Elmo coloring pages for all the kids to color at the party.
I might make Elmo visors similar to these Abby ones.
I bought a three-foot-tall stuffed Elmo on Ebay to have at the party. I think he will be cute for pictures.
Angie is going to make Elias a birthday hat and shirt using this pattern. I bought small Elmo patches to go on the hat and shirt too. They will be so cute.
Since Elias LOVES Elmo books, I am going to bring a bucket of Elmo books to have at the park for kids to look at.
Lastly, I am going to fill a goldfish bowl with goldfish crackers and have everyone guess how many are in it. The winner will get a small prize.
What do you think? Am I missing anything?