Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album – a photo a day for all of 2010, and readers are invited to link to their blog posts that share their photos. My only requests are a) that you link back to The Mom Creative or post the Project Life Tuesday button on your blog/in your post and b) that you link your actual Project Life Tuesday post in the Linky Tools widget – not your blog homepage.
Note: Something wonky happened to my Project Life Tuesday button code, so please be sure to use the new code that is in the column on the far right! Thanks to Sara for fixing it.
Sunday, June 13 – This photograph was taken for a special project I have been working on with DaySpring. I don’t know that I can share more yet, but I promise I will. 🙂
Monday, June 14 – Elias chatted with Maw Maw and Paw Paw on the computer Monday night. He had so much fun showing them his dance moves.
Tuesday, June 15 – After bathtime, Elias and Daddy built a city with the blocks. They had so much fun.
Wednesday, June 16- Today, the giant Elmo I ordered for Elias’s birthday party arrived. Elias was so excited that he requested Elmo eat dinner next to him. We obliged. 🙂
Thursday, June 17- No photo today.
Friday, June 18- Elias has been fighting a cold for more than two weeks, so I took him to the doctor this morning. He said bye-bye, bye-bye as soon as we walked in. He was not a happy camper, but the iphone and his paci helped.
Saturday, June 19- My Canon Rebel started dying at the beginning of the year and I began saving for a new camera. On Saturday my new Canon 40D
arrived. I was soooo excited! (More details about my camera later this week!)
Your turn!
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