Project Life Tuesday
Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album – a photo a day for all of 2010, and readers are invited to link to their blog posts that share their photos. My only requests are a) that you link back to The Mom Creative or post the Project Life Tuesday button on your blog/in your post and b) that you link your actual Project Life Tuesday post in the Linky Tools widget – not your blog homepage.
Note: Something wonky happened to my Project Life Tuesday button code a few weeks ago, so please be sure to use the new code that is in the column on the far right! Thanks to Sara for fixing it.
Sunday, June 20: For Father’s Day, we just had a quiet evening at home. While I was cooking a delicious dinner, Elias and Daddy had a late afternoon snack and played with his iphone.
Monday, June 21: Elias LOVES corn on the cob. LOVES it. When he saw that Matthew was having leftover corn, he begged for it off of Daddy’s plate and promptly ate almost the entire ear.
Tuesday, June 22: Tonight Elias decided to empty out his book bin. He threw every book out, one at a time, then laid down to look at them on the floor. It was hysterical.
Wednesday, June 23: Elias got the first half of his birthday gift from MawMaw and PawPaw, a zoobie named Lecho. As soon as he pulled it out of the box, he said “roar, roar” and then laid down on it. He also gave him lots of kisses.
Thursday, June 24: Elias’s day care had pony rides at school today. This was the picture the day care sent us. They said Elias had a great time, though he looks a little uninterested in the photo. 🙂
Friday, June 25: Elias and I flew to Wisconsin for the weekend since it was one of the last weekends that he could fly free and Matthew needed a long weekend to write. We went to Dan and Melissa’s for dinner and Elias had so much fun playing – especially with Uncle Danny.
Saturday, June 26: Today we went to Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jim’s for the annual summer pool party. We also celebrated Aunt Sandy’s, Grandma’s, Elias’s, Dan’s and my birthdays! Elias loved “happy birthday”, the candles and the cake!
Your turn!