Grocery Store Magazines
Do you know that you can request coupons from many grocery stores?
I receive regular mailings from Kroger. Sometimes just coupons, and sometimes a little informative magazine with coupons in it. Many of the coupons are manufacturer coupons, so even if they are branded Kroger, I can use them anywhere. I actually called Kroger customer service and asked to be on the mailing list because I didn’t used to get anything from them. Now I receive Kroger mail all the time.
I also receive magazines from Publix. This month’s Family Style magazine has a free 5×7 mounted panel as one of the coupons. I am definitely ordering this. You can sign up for all their mailers here. I also recommend signing up for their baby club and Preschool Pals club. They are both fantastic – you receive tons of coupons in the baby club, and since joining the preschool club, Elias has received an adorable coloring book and growth chart. Totally wonderful – and free!
Do you receive mailings from your grocery store?