Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album – a photo a day for all of 2010, and readers are invited to link to their blog posts that share their photos. My only requests are a) that you link back to The Mom Creative or post the Project Life Tuesday button on your blog/in your post and b) that you link your actual Project Life Tuesday post in the Linky Tools widget – not your blog homepage.
Sunday, June 27: We took Elias to Lake Michigan to do a mini photo shoot. He LOVED throwing rocks into the water. We also were able to snap a family picture. I wish Matthew had been there to make it complete!
Monday, June 28: Monday night we went to visit Nana in the nursing home. Though her alzheimers continues to progress rapidly, she seemed to be extra good that night. She was so tickled by Elias. He kept getting her to kiss her bear, and they both laughed repeatedly.
Tuesday, June 29- There was a sweet open next to Elias and me on the flight back to Nashville, so Elias sat it in for part of the flight. He thought he was quite the big shot sitting there, reading his book.
Wednesday, June 30: Colleen sent Elias an Elmo DVD and coloring book for his birthday. He was so, so excited!
Thursday, July 1: Elias loves to climb in boxes of all sizes. On Thursday, he dumped his puzzles and played for about 15 minutes in that rubbermaid. I love that he had also partly unzipped his jammies. Silly boy.
Friday, July 2: Every day at school the kids sing songs during circle time. I love this shot of them all together, wearing their red, white and blue.
Saturday, July 3: Today was Sarah’s birthday party. Elias was the only boy at the party, but he didn’t seem to notice. He had a blast in the kiddie pool, swinging and on the hammock! We tried to get a group shot, and this was the best one. 🙂
Your turn!