Celebrity "Worship": What Are Your Thoughts?
Tomorrow I will be filming a video for Liberty Mutual’s Responsibility Project discussing, with three other bloggers (including Hollywood Housewife), the concept of “celebrity worship.”
There’s no denying that people are more captivated by celebrities than ever before. Magazines are everywhere. PerezHilton.com is one of the biggest sites on the internet.
A 2006 CBS article discussed that while for some people who have meaningful relationships in their life, celebrity worship is just a harmless distraction, but for others it can be much more serious. Two years late, in 2008, an article in Time suggests it possibly could be good for our health.
As I prepare for this discussion, I would like your two cents.
Things to think about:
- Why is our culture so obsessed with celebrity?
- How does it affect us?
- How does it affect our kids?
- What are examples you have seen in your life, or in the lives around you, that celebrity “worship” is a real thing?
- Can it be positive?
- Do magazines, television and social media influence this? How so?
- How do we protect our kids?
- If you are a Christian, what are your thoughts on this phenomenon from a faith perspective?
I can’t wait to read your thoughts! I know they will be a huge help for our discussion.
Oh, and in case you don’t know, The Responsibility Project was started by Liberty Mutual as a place to think about—and discuss—what it means to do the right thing. It’s a really content-rich site that is worth checking out.
Project Life Tuesday will be posted by noon today!