New York Recap
I don’t even know where to begin.
BlogHer was a wonderful experience for me. I went to New York with three goals:
- Meet new people
- Connect with brands that you and I love
- See a few sites (since it was my first time in NYC)
I more than met every goal. It was thrilling. I think it is important to say that BlogHer (or any blogging conference you attend) is what you make of it. It is easy to get caught in the insecurity trap of I’m not as big of a blogger as her or I don’t know as many people as her. I refused to go there. I went to the conference motivated to make connections and that motivation and excitement ensured that I was successful.
The people were fabulous. In my experience, I have found bloggers to be such a loving, passionate, fun group of people. I spent time with so many quality people – I just wish our time would have allowed us to go deeper. Here are just a few of the bloggers I hung out with – and their blogs that you should check out.
- Allison from PetitElefant
- Laura from Hollywood Housewife
- Melissa from I Still Love You
- Erin from Blue Eyed Bride
- Ellie from One Crafty Mother
- Audrey from Mom Generations
- Vera from I’m Not Obsessed
- Janice from 5 Minutes for Mom
- Amy from Resourceful Mommy
- Anissa from Free Anissa
It was also fun to see so many Nashville bloggers including Jamie from Blonde Mom Blog, Carrie from Tiki Tiki, Lindsay from Suburban Turmoil, and Alli, founder of Blissdom.
My hotel was located on 56th and 6th, just blocks from Times Square, Broadway and more, so YES, I saw some of the city.
Outside the Kerr Theater, where my college-friend Mike and I saw A Little Night Music. It was FABULOUS.
In Times Square (Mike and I could not get a decent picture together to save our lives)
With Kathie Lee and Ree, The Pioneer Woman at The Today Show
The Statue of Liberty
Ellis Island (My great-grandfathers Salvatore LoCoco and Gustav Rogan immigrated through Ellis Island and I found their names on the wall of remembrance).
A hug from Elmo – I told him all about Elias’s party
My roomie Stephanie and me in Rockefeller Center
Despite lugging my 40D everywhere, I got home and realized I did not take enough pictures, but I think I will still be able to make a fun photo book of memories (thank you Groupon and your rad photo book deals).
I also connected with dozens of brands and am excited about the opportunities coming down the pike for the next year. I attended many fabulous events, which you can read about here. Unilver (Dove, Suave, Ragu, etc.), Hallmark, Liberty Mutual, Flatout Bread, Martha Stewart and the Getting Gorgeous ladies especially outdid themselves.
Update: Check out the photo slide show from the Martha party – I’m in photo #39. 🙂 I didn’t get a picture with Martha because she had to leave. I was disappointed, but I had a fabulous time meeting many of the lovely people on her team and seeing some new products! (The paper punches that are coming out this fall are to die for!)