Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album
Oh – and did you see? Project Life kits are again available on Amazon!
Many of you have asked where I got my days of the week that are on each of my photos. As a reminder, they are from the Ali Edwards line from Designer Digitals. But great news- you can get a FREE set of equally adorable days of the week from Sara Frankl! Download her set here. Thank you Sara for being so creative and generous. 🙂
Here’s my week (check back later for some of the missing photos)
Sunday, August 15: Matthew and Elias had to get their tuxes for the wedding today. We bought Elias’s and had to have it altered a bit. He thought he was hot stuff.
Monday, August 16: Elias has been LOVING sidewalk chalking lately. We had so much fun coloring together.
Tuesday, August 17: Lately, Elias has been obsessed with Toy Story. We watch it every morning. As soon as he wakes up he says Buzz? Buzz? Buzz? (why do tv pictures always stink?)
Wednesday, August 18: Elias has been having so much fun in the bathtub lately. He has been identifying lots of letters, so tonight we did his name. He was soooo cute.
Thursday, August19: Tomorrow is Elias’s last day in the penguin room. I am so sad that he is not going to be with many of his friends in his new room, but I know he will be fine. I loved his teachers April and Danielle this summer.
Friday, August 20: Today we had a company retreat off-site. It was so good to talk mission, vision and long-term goals for the firm. Here most of us are at the end of the day.
Saturday, August 21: Today Elias and I got together with our friends, the Camp girls, for some swimming and play time. Bella and Ari were so good with Elias, and it was so fun for me to talk crafts and motherhood with Adie.
Your turn!