Heading to Relevant
I’m really excited to be heading to Relevant in less than three short weeks. Relevant is a blogging conference specifically for Christian women.
What makes Relevant particularly appealing is that I have so many friends that will be there including:
- Angie (we are excited to get away for a weekend and are planning to shoot A LOT of Bloom videos)
- Emily (my roommate)
- Kelly (frugal blogger extraordinaire and Nashville blogger)
- Sami (another Nashville frugal blogger)
- Maggie (oh how I love her heart AND her Gussy products!)
- Abby
- Girls from my (in)courage family: Lisa Jo, Jen, Kristen, Melissa and Holley
But most of all, my sweet friend Ann Voskamp. We have become kindred spirits over the past few months and are terribly excited to finally get to spend quality time together IN PERSON. I’m trying to figure out a way that she and her husband can move their pig farm and family from Canada to Nashville.
Any ideas? 🙂
I’m thankful that Tommy Nelson is sponsoring me to attend the conference. Every Thursday this month will be Tommy Thursday here on The Mom Creative. I will be featuring some fun titles from Tommy – and giving lots away.
Are you attending Relevant? I hope to meet you!