Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album
You can purchase a project life kit on Amazon!
Sunday, October 17: We played with play doh for close to an hour today. Elias had so much fun making shapes with the cutters.
Monday, October 18: I made a new strawberry muffin recipe this morning. Elias was a big helper.
Tuesday, October 19: We have been giving Elias a big boy cup sometimes at night. It cracked me up how he was resting it on the table to drink.
Wednesday, October 20: I chaperoned Elias’s class’s trip to the pumpkin patch today. The kids were all so darling. Elias loved picking up all the pumpkins.
Thursday, October 21: After three months of trying, we are pregnant! I took the pregnancy test at 1:30 in the morning (after lying awake for 40 minutes thinking that I had to go to the bathroom and should I take the test). I woke Matthew to share the news, then grabbed my camera to take pictures of the test.
Friday, October 22: Friday was the first full day of Relevant. It was great to get some quality girl time with Angie.
Saturday, October 23: Saturday was filled with even more girl time. Holley & Lisa Jo, Ann Janette & Abby (from my sponsor Tommy Nelson), Emily (my roommate), Ann and Angie (kindred spirits) made the time so sweet.
Your turn!