Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album
You can purchase a project life kit on Amazon!
Sunday, October 24 and Monday, October 25: Clearly pregnancy brain and exhaustion have set in. I didn’t take any pictures on Sunday and Monday.
Tuesday, October 26: Elias dressed up as Superman today for his daycare Halloween party. He was so cute.
Wednesday, October 27: Elias and Daddy played with blocks and books tonight. They have such a sweet relationship.
Thursday, October 28: Again, no pictures.
Friday, October 29: Today Elias wore his Peter Pan costume for school. He was beyond adorable, once we got the costume on. He wasn’t a fan of the tunic at first, but he calmed down after watching Peter Pan on YouTube.
Saturday, October 30: We carved pumpkins tonight. Elias LOVED it.
Your turn!