Announcing Our Bloom Book Selection
We aren’t even going to try and restrain our excitement on this one.
For years we have both loved this author and prayed for the day that there would be a real, live book we could hold (and highlight mercilessly) and the day has finally come. You will no doubt share our enthusiasm, and please take the last part to heart and invest in a set of good highlighters.
It is with great pleasure and an enormous amount of respect that we announce our very first book as a part of (in)courage. It couldn’t be a more perfect fit, and we are so passionate about not only its message, but the heart of the writer herself. Yes, HERself. You knew we would pick a lady for the first one, didn’t you?!?!?!
Go ahead and watch the video that follows in order to hear our big announcement…we are so glad you are here and are ecstatic about sharing this next season of spiritual growth with you.
And for more information on the book club and book, click here to visit the new Bloom Page on (in)courage.
PS – For all you BARGAIN SHOPPERS! This week you can get the book for only $10! So if you didn’t preorder a copy of One Thousand Gifts (which is hardcover and just beautiful) do it today. Plus, if you buy two copies you can use the couponcode BLOOMBOOK to get free shipping. This code will also work if you buy two books + a few other DaySpring items. There are still many great Christmas clearance deals, like the darling Jesus Is the Gift Star Trivet
for only $5. Just saying!