Gift Giving 2011: Being Generous
I hope that this week has taught you a lot about how you can save money and still buy wonderful, thoughtful gifts for people.
The great thing about shopping year-round is that you often will find such great deals that you buy a few extras.
These extras are a wonderful way to give to those less fortunate.
Last week a family at Elias’s day care lost their home to a fire. They lost everything and the school asked families to donate whatever they could. I had a beautiful comforter that I bought 90% off at Macy’s a while back. It was regularly more than $100 and I got it for about $10. It brought my heart so much joy to be able to give it to that family.
So, as fun as it is to find deals for your family and friends, be sure to remember others too!
8ywddq Ppl like you get all the brains. I just get to say tahkns for he answer.