I’m Happier When I’m Reading
Matthew has always said that I am happier when I am reading books.
At first I thought he was silly.
But, he was right.
I don’t think I had picked up a fiction book in close to six months.
I have not been the happiest girl. (This could also be due to the four months of puking that I recently completed.)
But three weeks ago, I decided to crawl into bed early with a book. I selected Drowning Ruth off my bookshelf and was captivated from page one. (I bought it at my local used book store for like 25 cents. You can find it used on Amazon
for a penny. I guess this is because it was an Oprah book selection forever ago, so millions of copies are out there.)
Now I am on a reading kick.
The book I plan to start this weekend is Shanghai Girls, which my Aunt Sandy gave to me to read last summer. She and I have very similar taste in books, and I am excited to start it.
At the same time, I am also reading the probable next Bloom selection. You are going to love it! No, I can’t tell you what it is or who the author is, so don’t ask. 🙂 (Speaking of Bloom, if you haven’t checked out Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts, our current Bloom book, you are missing out. It is seriously life-changing.)
I also recently purchased the devotional Jesus Calling. I am really enjoying the succinct, powerful daily reading each morning.
What are you reading right now?