Almost exactly seven years ago, I went through a ton of life change all at once.
- End of May 2004- graduated college, bought my first car
- Early June 2004 – moved to Nashville, started my first job, got my first apartment (I lived in a dorm all through college because I was an RA)
- Summer 2004 – finished planning our wedding
- October 2004 – got married
Needless to say it was a season of big change.
And now, it seems, that God is about to do the same thing again.
Last week Thursday, I gave notice at my job. Yes, the place I started at in June 2004. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I love the people I work with and have learned so much in my seven years there.
I wasn’t expecting to start a new job seven months pregnant.
I wasn’t even looking.
But, this opportunity sort of fell out of the sky, and I am so, so grateful.
April 12 will be my first day working as the Heart Marketing Manager for Vanderbilt Medical Center. I am terribly excited. Vanderbilt is an amazing organization to work for and the benefits are fantastic. Though the job is full-time, I will have a lot more flexibility, which will be great with two kids! Moreover, the people seem really wonderful, and I know I am going to flourish in this new position.
Other changes coming down the pike:
- Major blog redesign and move to WordPress for The Mom Creative (launching this weekend- feel free to change your blog links to The URL works already, but you will still see this site until the switch is made)
- Putting our condo on the marketing and hopefully moving this summer
- Going from a family of three to a family of four
If you could pray for us during this season, we would so appreciate it.
There is A LOT going on right now and it would be easy to get overwhelmed. (And admittedly, some days, I am very overwhelmed.)
But, I am trying to remember the words of Ecc 3:1:
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens
And so I take comfort knowing that this is a busy season, but that it is just that – A SEASON – and seasons change.
What have you done during seasons of great change? What has God taught you?
PS – If you know a PR guru+social media strategist, share this job opp with them.