1. I have two kids, ages 7 and 9. They both have had standard chores that they aren’t paid for since I can remember…they don’t get paid for making their bed or cleaning their rooms. Instead, we tell them that is part of being part of the household, just like mom and dad have to keep the other rooms clean! To help them earn money, we pay them a commission on doing chores above and beyond those. They can earn money by loading the dishwasher, cleaning up after our dog, taking out the trash and cleaning their bathroom sinks. Each Monday we pay them for the week prior, and then they decide how to divvy up the money into three envelopes, Save, Spend and Give. We help them decide on a goal to save towards, and they each chose their own charity to give to. The spend envelope is used mostly for little toys or candy they can buy whenever we’re out.

  2. Thank you thank you thank you for posting this!!!

    I have a wonderful and incredibly smart 4 year old who thinks that the sticker/magnet/stamp with his mothers blood charts are just stupid.

    But this! This is so awesome because he gets to be on the computer, he see’s the rewards he can earn and how many points he’s earned. So far he’s earned computer time and is eager to do more chores to get more points.

    Love it!

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