Project Life Tuesday

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album
Sunday, Feb 20: It was 70 degrees and beautiful on Sunday, so Elias and I went to our favorite park. There were a lot of kids there, which overwhelmed him a bit. He was happiest blowing bubbles with mommy.
Monday, Feb 21: Day care was closed on President’s Day, so Elias stayed home with Daddy. They did a little photo shoot. I love this shot.
Tuesday, Feb 22: Nana sent Elias a little Valentine’s gift, which included some paint with water books. Elias had a BLAST and painted five pictures Tuesday night.
Wednesday, Feb 23: 22 weeks! Elias thinks he has to get in the picture every week. 🙂
Thursday, Feb 24: We got a lot of rain on Thursday. Elias was so excited to carry his umbrella – though it didn’t go so well. He kept putting it on his shoulder – behind his head!
Friday – Saturday: Gonna have to do some make up photos!
Your turn!