Review/Giveaway: Red Letter Words – Custom Art for Your Home
I really enjoy having scripture and positive words throughout our home. It is an easy way to be reminded of the truths in God’s word.
However, in my opinion, too often Christian art is really cheesy. And I don’t like cheesy.
Thankfully, artists like Dee at Red Letter Words offer products that are the absolute opposite.
I have been a fan of Dee’s work for a long-time, so you can imagine how ecstatic I was when she offered to do a special commissioned canvas for me + a giveaway for Mom Creative readers.
I immediately knew I wanted to get Proverbs 16:24, “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and nourishing to the body.” This is something I need to be reminded of all the days of my life. Isn’t it stunning?

Right now we have the 12×24 canvas hanging in our living room, but it would work in any room of our home. I love the timeless typography and the flower accent. In just the few days that we have had it hanging up, I have found myself pausing before I speak. (Because this was a commissioned print, it is not available for purchase at this time.)
Dee offers a lot of commissioned work. My friend Nester had a canvas made of all the streets she has lived on. My friend Maggie (aka Gussy) had one made (in pink!) for her sewing room. The sky is the limit for creativity. (To contact Dee for a commissioned piece, click here).
I will say that the commissioned art is a bit pricey and is not for everyone’s budget. Thankfully, Dee offers tons of canvases and cafe mount options of her pre-designed verses and word art.
Her most recent endeavor is a new line called Urban Soul with Demdaco! DaySpring
sent me several pieces to review and I love it all. I seriously have something in every room of our house.
The biggest plus is that it is so cost effective! Most of the pieces are under $25, and when you combine your purchase with the DaySpring coupon SPRING25 you get an additional 25% off! Check out this wall of some of the collection that Nester has in her home. Isn’t it amazing?

Today, I am pleased to give away a 12×12 gallery wrapped canvas- winners choice ($100 value). This is for US residents only. To enter, leave a comment with what canvas is your favorite.
For additional entries (please leave a comment for each entry).
- Tweet the giveaway: Would you like some beautiful free @redletterart for your home? Enter to win on @jessicanturner’s The Mom Creative
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Good luck!
Those are absolutely gorgeous! My favorite is the Rejoice canvas 🙂
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I love Ephesians 3:20. It’s awesome to see a great verse with good style. This is not your mama’s wall art!
Hope Is An Anchor To The Soul In Gray
12×12 Gallery Wrap Canvas Art Print
I love these!!! My fav is the fruit of the Spirit.
Those are gorgeous! I love the Let your light shine. Thanks for the chance.
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I love the Scripture canvases. I like the fruit of the Spirit, but also others. It would be hard to choose!!!
I really like the “Eye on the sparrow…” in brown with the blue bird. But they are all amazing!!
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Where you go, I will go 🙂
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I like the Love Never Fails 2
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I love the Ecclesiastes 9 :10 and also the Proverbs 16:24. THANK YOU!!
They are just beautiful! I love so many of them but most especially the Joshua 1:9 and Ephesians 3:20.
I love the new Urban Soul line! I just got the “For I know the plans I have for you” verse yesterday!
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The Fruit of the Spirit is Love with pear is my favorite! Love it. Just ordered two of her frames off Dayspring. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh I love these! It would be so hard to choose! 🙂 I really like the Jer. 17:7 verse though.
I love the “She knew that she was clothed in strength and dignity.” That says it all. What better thing to look at in the mornings as you prepare for the day?
I love them all! I like the Love Spoken here one…I wish she had Micah 6:8!
I like the one with Jeremiah 29:11…for I know the plans I have for you…
Oh these are so cool! So creative! There are lots of them I love, but I think the one I like the most is the Fruit of the Spirit. That’s the theme of my kitchen (or at least it is when I live on my own…right now, I’m with roommates who were here long before I moved in.)
I’m a Mom Creative facebook fan too…even though I’m not a mom. I’m a nanny, so that counts, right? 🙂
These are wonderful — I love the “Love . . . ” pieces, and the Fruit of the Spirit pieces are delightful, but my favorite is Zephaniah 3:17 (although I wish it had a note or two of music 😉 — that verse always makes me feel as if God is hugging me.
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And shared on facebook. I really wanna win. 🙂
I absolutely love the “Be Thankful and Say So to Him” canvas. What a great thing to be reminded of every day! Thanks for the awesome giveaway, Jessica and Dee! 🙂
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I love the Joshua 1:9 one! I am entering an unknown area of my life and fear keeps creeping in. This would help me always remember.
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My favorite is Joshua 1:9!!! LOVE IT!! 🙂
Joshua 1:9 is my favorite…these are just beautiful! Hope you are enjoying your new job, Jessica 🙂
I love the Fruits of the Spirit! Gorgeous!
These are all lovely, but my favorite is “Be thankful and say so to Him”.
We are trying to teach my grandson that God loves for us to come to him with simple praise…’thank you for the carport that keeps us dry when we get out of the car during the rain’…’thank you for the worms that those birds are eating for breakfast’…thank you Jesus!
I love Jeremiah 17:7 in brown! 🙂
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My husband and would LOVE the red “shared joy is a double joy” canvas in our kitchen! 🙂
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I’ve liked “The Mom Creative” on FB, as well. 🙂
His Eye is on the Sparrow in Black. This one is my favorite. I love birds and bible verses 🙂
I LOVE the one that says “She knew that she was worth far more than rubies.” We are pregnant with our second and based on how very, very (VERY!!!!!!!) sick I have been, I am convinced it is a girl this time. How wonderful to surround her with words in her nursery from birth that ingrain in her heart how very loved she is and how much worth she has to her God! That we could ALL be that lucky!
I love the canvas with Joshua 1:9. “Be strong and courageous…” is always a beautiful reminder.
Really like Hebrews 13~
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and of course, I like you on facebook, too! 🙂
I love the Fruit of the Spirit with a Pear! So cute in a kitchen!
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My favorite canvas is the one YOU GAVE ME! I love it so much! You are such and incredible friend. Love you. XO
My favorite would have to be Jeremiah 29:11
I really like the Joshua 1:9 canvas. I think it would be a great one to put near the door so that we would see it each time we were about to leave the house.
I’m a facebook fan of TMC.
I really like these! So cute!!! Love the Deuteronomy one- great reminder! Thanks for sharring!
I was just looking at these the other day when I ordered from DaySpring. LOVE the Today Is the Day – Charcoal Wall Art! Thanks for a chance to win! 🙂
I just “like”d them on Facebook!
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I love the Swedish proverb!!!!
I love many of the scriptures she has done, but I think my favorite right now is the “Whatever is lovely” canvas. Thanks for doing the give-away!
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Love these! My two faves bc I can’t choose are where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Really been our hearts prayer at the moment.
I love the Jeremiah 29:11 in brown.
These are just precious! I love the “He Is Risen” creation – simply beautiful!
I love the Fruit of the Spirit one. I need to remind myself of those all the time!
and I tweeted it.
I like them all, but especially this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Always such a good reminder!
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Love the first two.. Ec. 9:10 or Jer. 17:7 The first one we have different versions of up around our house on index cards, a great reminder!
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I would love to win the canvas with the Hebrews 13:2 verse about being hospitable since I love being a hostess!
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i love the one you have!!
my favorite one is the “share joy is double joy. shared sorrow is half a sorrow”- so cute!
I love Hannah’s Prayer – 1 Samuel 1:27
I love the “Wait Hope Expect” canvas. My friend has tried to get pregnant for almost 4 years, has tried 2 IVF’s, and today she finally got a positive home pregnancy test!!! I teared up when I saw this canvas because it is PERFECT for her and I know would mean so much to her. I think she should have a reminder of what a challenging journey she’s made it through, because she’s so much stronger from it.
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i love the Joshua 1:9 one! thanks for the chance to win! these are beautiful!
i’m a fan of the Mom Creative on FB!
My favorite is the “I Prayed for this child” one. I would love to put that in a nursery!
I have liked both The Mom Creative and RedLetterWords on Facebook! 3 entries for me! Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I love the one about God doing abundantly more than we ask. He answers my prayers in profound ways and that verse helps me to remember that often, in His grace and wisdom, He does more than I even know to ask!
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i’m a fan of RedLetterWords on FB too!
I love them all, especially the Fruit of the Spirit.
I like the “as for me and my house…” one, but they are all great! I am going to her website now to check them out!
Love the typography on these! What great art for the home. I really like so many of them. I’m torn between Jeremiah 17:7 and Jeremiah 29:11 and the Be Thankful and Say So To Him with Green Flower.
I love Ephesians 3:20, thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful piece of art.
Love your site, Roommate! I love the canvas with the sparrow.
Either Rejoice Today or My Beloved My Friend. Love you commissioned canvas, great choice of verse.
This is the day the Lord has made!
I love them all- esp jeremiah 17:7 and the fruit of the spirit one!!! Love them!
I love the Proverbs canvas they made for you. I am a gardner, so, like hummingbirds, I am attracted to flowers! 😀 The black canvas would go well with my decor as well. Hope I win; I have the perfect spot for it! (p.s. My grandchildren lilve with me, so this would be a nice daily reminder!)
Gorgeous! I LOVE the Joshua 1:9 piece – this would look BEAUTIFUL in my living room and it is a perfect reminder (just what I need right now) that the Lord my God goes before me always.
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I love the Love Never Fails art piece. These are so great!
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AND, liked your page on Facebook 🙂 PHEW!
P.S. I can’t find the Red Letter Words page. You may already know this! 🙂
My favorite is the Fruit of the Spirit one.
I’m a FB fan too.
My favorite is the “two are better than one” canvas-it would look so cute in my twin girls room 🙂
Tweeted your giveaway! @colleenanne29
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I love the Wait Hope Expect in Brown with Row of Flowers! Perfect for this season of our lives as we look forward to welcoming our baby girl in May!
I love the “fruit of the spirit” but they are all great. Such an awesome way to post scripture in your home!
I love the “Hope is an anchor to the soul” print. So beautiful and it really speaks to me right now.
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Love the “His eye is on the Sparrow” canvas. This would be perfect for our baby’s room!!
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I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE—“Fruit of the Spirit!!!!!
I love them all but would say “let your light shine” is my favorite.
I love Red Letter Words, though I don’t own any yet…. I have always loved the one that says “she knew she was worth far more than rubies”.
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I love the Joshua 1:9 canvas! They are beautiful!
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My favorite….. “Love Always Wins”!
I agree, her work is beautiful – not a bit of cheese! Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorite verses so that is probably my favorite piece. But I loved the birds too!
Hey there! I LOVE your website and i would have to say that the Joshua 1:9 is my favorite that I saw! SUPER encouraging for the season of life i am in!!
The fruits of the Spirit is what I’d choose.
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My favorite is the “Love Never Fails” (the gray canvas with teal writing)
Those are incredible! I love the simplicity of them.
It is so hard to pick a favorite! They are all so amazing. The fruits of the spirit is definitely one of my favorites.
The sparrow piece is absolutely lovely 🙂
I love these! My favorite is My Beloved My Friend.
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I like “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He loves me.”
I like the “his eye is on the sparrow” canvas. These are wonderful.
Oh Jeremiah 29:11 for sure! One of my favorites!
tweeted! @myronickmusings
Jeremiah 29:11 is a favorite, but can I have just one? Love Love Love them
I love, love, LOVE the one called Zephaniah 3:17
I love the ‘dignity & strength’ one and the ‘beloved & friend’ one.
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My favorite canvas is 1Corinthians 13!
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This is the day the Lord has made….. I NEED that reminder! And always one of my fave songs!
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I love the Fruits of the Spirit and the Jeremiah 29:11 ones!
I love this one http ://
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love so many of them…it’s hard to choose just one. The canvas that has “She is worth far more than rubies” is a favorite of mine though. So encourging and a beautiful reminder of how our Lord sees and loves us so. Thanks Jessica!!
I tweeted also.
“Love never fails.” Classic and elegant. I love it.
It’s hard to choose just one…LOVE them all. The Fruits of the Spirit is a favorite of mine though. They are all so encourging and beautiful. Thanks Jessica!!
These are so cute….I just found your blog and love it too!
i like his eye is on the sparrow and jeremiah 17.7
I love the fruit of the spirit & be thankful.
I think I like Joshua 1:9 the best!
Love never fails would have to be my favorite one.
“Wait, Hope, Expect” brown canvas with flowers.
I like the Joshua 1:9 canvas in brown.
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I love the Hebrews 13:2 canvas!
I would pick the fruit of the spirit with the pear. But there are so many I want
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I tweeted the giveaway @nunnallyfamily
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I love Proverbs 16:24 – mmmm can’t get better than that
My favorite has to be Hebrews 13:2
Also, when I clicked to “Like” Red Letter Words on Facebook, the page was down. Otherwise, I have done all of the above. Thank you for the great giveaway.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Hebrews 13:2! I love all of them 🙂
I tweeted and I’m a FB fan!! : )
I love the This is the Day the Lord has Made canvas. Thanks for the chance to win.
I lke Ecc. 8:10 “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do” 🙂!/jenndiggy/status/59321248563478528
I like the ” where you go…” canvas!
So tough to choose, but I’ll go with “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” …gotta always remember that! Crossing my fingers. 🙂
I twittered! @laceyfran
I love the Fruit of The Spirit canvas
tweeted the giveaway
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Wow! These are gorgeous! So hard to pick just ONE that I would like. My top 2 faves are “The Fruit of the Spirit” and “This is the day the LORD has made…”
I already “like” the Mom Creative FB page. 🙂
I “liked” Red Letter Words on FB. 🙂
I love the whatever is lovely
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The Rejoice Today canvas is perfect….life is a valley right now and I have to remind myself of that every day. Today is a day HE created!
But if I won I would choose the one “She knew that she was clothed in strength and dignity”…I have a friend who could use that reminder 🙂
I LOVE The Mom Creative on FB…but they only have a “LIKE” button! 😉
LOVE the Love Never Fails 2 (Black Background)… Also in love with My Beloved My Friend…
Also, I like you on Fb 🙂
I love His eye is on the sparrow. Glad you tweeted about this and I discovered Dee, and your site. Awesome Sauce!
“She knew that she was clothed in strength and dignity.”
Love how my Daddy dresses me =)
My favorite is the “Where you go, I will go”
Just found your blog today.
From what I have seen, looks like you have lots of neat stuff on here!
Excited to read on and share what I find and share your blog with my fiancee!
I like the “Kind Words” one that you have 🙂
They are all great and it’s hard to pick just one. Anything with scripture would be my favorite! 🙂
Fruit of the spirit one will be hanging in my house soon!! 🙂
Wait Hope Expect in Brown with row of flowers
so hard to choose – prob Ephesians 3:20!!!
thanks Jess!!
I love two of these canvases: the Fruit of the Spirit and Zephaniah 3:17.
I love the Hope is an Anchor for the Soul canvas.
So much rich truth in these.
I love them all!
My favorite is the Phil. 4:8 one. God has used that verse over and over in my life.
I love the one with the Fruit of the Spirit. I need that reminder often.
They are all beautiful… but I love Hebrew 13:2
I love them all!
I love the idea of all the streets that I’ve lived on, because my husband and I have moved 8 times and will hit #9 just before our 5th anniversary. But on the existing prints, I’d love the one of the Orange County beaches, because I grew up in Orange County, CA. I’d love to hang it next to the Florida Beaches one, since I’m now living by the beach in FL…although it doesn’t have the name of MY beach on it. 😉 That’s okay. It’s lovely all the same.
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I’m pretty sure I’ve already “Liked” you on Facebook–does that count? I gave up FB for lent so I can’t check 😉
I tweeted It 🙂
Ok. I LOVE her work 🙂 I love Joshua 1:9, Ecclesiastes, and The Fruit of the Spirit with Pear,
I like the “My beloved,my friend” and “love always wins” prints.
I love the ‘be thankful and say so to him’ Palms 100:4 print, it is all about saying thansk lately. To see the blessing and acknowledge it.
I already like you on facebook and ‘liked’ the give away as well.
My favorite is the Fruits of the Spirit!! Beautiful!
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The London Streets is my favorite!
I like Two are Better than One in Cream with Blue and Apple Green Birds. Thanks!
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I also liked RedLetterWords on FB.
I like the canvas that says His eyes are on the sparrow.
I like the fruit of the spirit one!
I liked the “two are better than one” canvas with the 2 birds….so sweet!
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I “liked” redletterwords on facebook too!
I would love to have the “Hope is the anchor to the soul” print!
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I adore most all of the RLW artwork… have contemplated several pieces including Modern House & the ruth series (where you go..) Thanks!
My favorite is the Fruit of the Spirit with Pear
Here’s my tweet:!/KTnestingspot/status/60971214595817472
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I love the “This is the Day the Lord Has Made!” Have loved her work for so long!
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My favorite is Joshua 1:9
What a wonderful way to surround yourself with God’s word!
I’m a red-letter fan! My fab is “as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”