1. Jessica
    I agree after your first things change a bit…we had 3 boys and then 4 months ago added a daughter to our family. I think some of it has to do with the girl aspect of it too…as a mom I love my boys but always wanted a girl that I could dress up in frilly things and take shopping etc…you know right?! It is going to be better than you expected I promise!!
    And Elias will love on his sister big time. All my boys just love and protect their sister and I know that as she gets older they will continue to be that way. God is SO good! 🙂
    Good luck with selling your condo. We are putting our 1st house on the market (hopefully this week) after almost 13 yrs in it. My husband has been working in another state for the past 7 months so we are hoping that ours sells quickly so that we can be together as a family full time again. Just don’t stress about the little things and enjoy being a mommy first…I am trying to remember that myself these days! 🙂
    Blessings, Kristin

  2. So true! I guess it’s partially just the excitement of being pregnant for the first time that makes us obsess over registries and books (and all that free time we had back then!) and maybe also we realize the second time around how naturally the important things come and how unimportant some of that other stuff is!

    I haven’t cracked What to Expect yet this time, though I am enjoying the Pampers “Hello Baby” iPad app where I can see the baby in “real size,” so I check it each week to see how big s/he is!

  3. I agree! So different on so many things — esp the rooms! I had my friend come and paint a mural of Winnie the Pooh and his buddies playing hockey on Jackson’s wall. And now Livvie is THREE and still using THAT room! No pink the poor thing!

  4. So true! With our first, we spent so much time on the nursery and everything else. The second? Well, her room was finally finished when she was maybe 6 months old. Having a girl the second time around is definitely fun though. Clothes and accessories are way more fun with a girl than with a boy!

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