Family · Motherhood · The Kids
Shaving Cream Fun in the Bathtub
When my sister and I were little, we LOVED playing with shaving cream in the bathtub.
Seriously, it was better than any toy.
We covered our bodies, the wall, everything in it.
Now that I am mom, I have totally introduced the fun of shaving cream to Elias.
It is hysterical.
He laughs and laughs and laughs.
We also make Daddy Monsters, Mommy Monsters and Baby Monsters, which are essentially different sized globs. 🙂 Sometimes the Baby Monsters like to ride on the Daddies backs.
Caterpillars are also a big-time hit. Plus, we count their parts!
So the next time you are at the store, pick up a few cans of shaving cream. Your kids will love you.
YES! I used to love it as well! And I still kind of do :p haha!
this is such a cute idea that children
would love! what child doesn’t love
watching his daddy shave?