1. My sister is due next week and her little stinker 🙂 decided to turn head up about a week ago after being in perfect position the week before. She debated having them try to turn her and decided not to. As of Tuesday her little punkin’ is now head down and ready to go! Praying for baby Adeline and for you!

  2. I will be praying that Adeline flips into the right position and that all go smooth with the delivery.

  3. My little guy is breech as well. Of course, I’ve had two previous c-sections, so this one was already scheduled when they discovered he was head up. Reading all the info on breech babies, I’m surprised my other two weren’t breech too! I always have too much amniotic fluid, I have huge babies (daughter was 8 lb 14 oz, 7 days early, son was 9 lb 8 oz, 12 days early), and I have a flat pelvis which makes it impossible for my babies to ever drop (hence the c-sections). I’ll be praying that Adeline flips, and that you have a safe delivery!

  4. I really hope she turns for you!!! I had my first baby c-section. On May 24th, I had my second, and was able to do it VBAC. Now that I’ve had both – vaginal is SOOO the way to go!
    In the end, you just need everything to be healthy and good. But, I hope you don’t have to have a c-section!!

  5. My daughter wasn’t breech, so I can’t speak to that, but I did end up having to have an emergency C-section, and it was a total piece of cake! I kid you not, I had absolutely no pain whatsoever, and I went home 2 days later. I realize not all C-sections are that great, but if you do have to have one, hopefully you will have a great one like mine!! Praying for a healthy and safe delivery which ever way it turns out, and praying for a very HEALTHY baby!!

  6. I so feel your pain! My oldest daughter was 8 pounds & breech until the last possible moment. Very alienish to watch her turn…I did witness her final turn into a position more pleasing to mommy. It occurred at 3 a.m. one hot late summer evening when I was about 2 weeks from delivery. Good luck!

  7. “Adeline ~ now come on baby, turn for your momma!!” Praying for you these last few weeks..Excited the time is so close for you now and excited to see that little bundle in your arms. If she looks anything like her brother, she will be so stinking cute..

  8. Hi! I popped over from Kelly’s Korner! I am not typically a commentor, but I am really relating to your last couple of posts. First…I teared up thinking about your last days as a family of three. I remember that feeling so well…I almost felt like I mourned a bit. I can tell you that the dynamics do change, but you are giving Matthew the gift of a sibling. Oh, there is nothing like the bond you will see form with brother and sister. Enjoy the final days…the weird, mournful feelings are normal and it gets better!
    Secondly…I have four children and two were “Frank Breech”. It was explained to me that second and subsequent babies have more room and they often times don’t turn until it’s “go” time. I’m not going to lie to you…I was a freak about constantly wanting to know the position. And, mine did a lot of flipping and flopping. In the end, they both turned and I did not have to have a C-section (or ‘the she-section’ as my daughter called it…we were having a girl!) Looking back, I know that baby’s position robbed me of a lot of joy. I pray you can rest easy, rest in Him and know the outcome…either way is your beautiful daughter. Blessings to you and your precious family. (and praying for no “she-section”)

  9. Oh I’ll be hoping she turns! Of course a C-section would be just fine, but I totally understand. I wanted to avoid one at all costs too:)

  10. Princess, Your daddy has been praying for weeks that my future grand daughter turns herself around. She is being naughty like your sister was when she was in your mom’s tummy!! She will turn. The Lord is listening.
    Love you

  11. Just wanted to echo what Martha said – I had an emergency c-section, and it really was no big deal. We had other complications that were a challenge, but none the result of the c-section. And if we’re lucky enough to have a second, we’ll quite happily welcome him or her with a scheduled c-section.

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