1. I thought I accidentally threw them away this morning – after the post went live I went to find them and couldn’t. #awesome. After about 20 minutes, I found them. 🙂 #pregnancybrain

  1. Your energy and multi-tasking continues to impress me. If I was working, raising a toddler, pregnant, getting ready to move, writing a blog, etc. I don’t know that I’d find the time to digitize my address book and put announcements together BEFORE my 2nd baby was born. Wow. Now I’m convinced you’re Supermom 🙂

    1. Does it make you feel better that I started the project BEFORE I got pregnant with Adeline? Seriously. I’m not supermom.

  2. Thanks for the tips! I’m due with my first baby on 6/27 and I saw this at the perfect time. Today’s Groupon was for Mixbook! Yeah, I may have shouted hallelujah at 6 am while surfing my iphone in the bed! I bought 2 groupons, earned a $10 credit (since I did it on my mobile device), and have more than enough money for announcements and a photo book at the little boy arrives. Boo Ya!

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