Adeline’s Birth Story
On Wednesday, June 22, we had to be to the hospital at 12:30 for a 2:30 scheduled version. The three scenarios we were prepared for:
- Adeline would no longer be breech and the midwives would induce labor
- Adeline would be breech, we would do a version and it would be successful. We would then induce labor.
- Adeline would be breech, we would do a version and it would not be successful. I would have a csection.
Because of the possibility of a csection, I couldn’t eat after 6:30 am, so I was very hungry by the time we arrived to the hospital.
Unfortunately, several emergency csections arose, which caused my version to be delayed by several hours.
But, at about 6:00, the doctors came in to do the version, and it was successful! Matthew, Angie and I all cried. Afterward I was given some oxygen.
Shortly after, there was a shift change and one of my favorite midwives, Soheyl came on. She said that I could eat something bland like a baked potato before they induced my labor. Matthew got me a bagel with butter and some rice. A bagel has never tasted so good!
Unfortunately, because of the version, my stomach was upset and I threw it up. So, it was just some juice for me. The put me on pitocin and got labor going.
At one point, I started to have a “hot spot” where the epidural was not working well. To make matters worse, every time I had a contraction, I not only felt it, but Adeline’s heart rate would decrease, which caused concern. After some monitoring and inserting a heart monitor into the top of Adeline’s head (while she was still inside of me), Soheyl determined Adeline was okay because her heart rate would go right back up. Therefore, we could proceed with regular labor.
We continued to increase the pitocin over night and in the early morning broke my bag of waters.
At 7 am on June 23, it was time for Soheyl to go home and my regular midwife, Linda was on, along with a midwife in training, Sarah. We knew pushing was not far off, and Linda encouraged me that I could do it and that I needed to if I didn’t want a csection (which by this point some of the doctors on staff at the hospital wanted to do).
At 8:35 I started pushing and Adeline was born at 9:06 am. She was 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was simply perfect! She didn’t even cry – just was bright eyed and sweet for the moment she entered the world.

What a wonderful birth story, Jessica! Adeline is beautiful. 🙂 Now my ovaries are itching. LOL!
Jessica – I followed Matthew’s and Angie’s tweets during your hospital stay. She is beautiful, what a sweet sweet face! And Aunt Angie looks delighted! Congratulations to your new family of 4!
Thanks for sharing Jessica. So glad the version worked and you were able to deliver the way you had hoped. She is beautiful! Enjoy your sweet girl.
I love you, baby.
And we make awesome babies.
I agree. 🙂 xo
So amazingly beautiful. Loved every word.
So proud of you, Jess!
Adeline is stunningly gorgeous! It was incredibly special and wonderful of you to allow all of us into your very intimate moment. From the very bottom of my heart…thank you.
congratulations, Turner family!! She is just beautiful and perfect!! My firstborn was 8lb. 10oz. She looks just like your hubby in nearly every picture I have seen!! 🙂 hope you are getting a little rest!
Love your story. I’m crying now from looking at the pictures.
Can’t really see to type. 🙂
You have such a precious family. God has blessed you & Matthew. I know He will continue to poor out his faithfulness to you & your family as you serve Him.
Much Love & Hugs,
Jackie (Marion, IN)
Yes, y’all do make awesome babies. She is truly beautiful. I am not yet ready for grandchildren (my daughter is only 19) but I must admit to being truly captivated by this little girl, whom I haven’t even got to meet yet!
I can’t wait for you to meet her!
What a beautiful baby & thanks for sharing your birthing story with us! God bless & may you have a swift & easy recovery, enjoying this most special time with your sweet family.
Awwwww… precious. So glad you got the delivery you wanted and that Adeline is proving to be such a mellow baby. Rest up!
I LOVE that the Lord was with all of you and provided a safe delivery for you and baby Adeline! What a BLESSING! I love all of the pics. SO cute. She is just beautiful and so are you! Thank you for sharing her birth story with all of us.
Very sweet. I remember reading about all of your horrible morning sickness way back when…soooo worth it now, right? 🙂
Now I’m going to be nosy — who took the pictures? They’re really nice. Did you get your camera fixed in time? Enjoy your first 4th of July as 4 Turners!
Angie took the pictures and yes, my camera was fixed in time! 🙂
She’s adorable!! Thank you for sharing and hope you are recovering quickly. 2nd time’s much much easier (knock on wood). Happy 4th!
Well, some things have been easier. Some, not so much. 🙂
Beautiful photos!!!
I can’t believe how beautiful she is RIGHT AFTER BEING BORN. Amazing. Good job mama.
HA! We thought the same thing, though we are a bit biased. 🙂 Thank you.
Thanks for sharing such great photos and letting us be a part of this special time. Can you share with us how and why you named your sweet baby Adeline? Love her name…it’s fit her. Love to hear the meaning behind it. You might have already posted it before and I missed it.
Yes, I have. You can read all about her name here:
Every picture a delight sweetheart….crying xoxo Mom
i recognize one of your midwives from “one born every minute!” i forgot that show was taped at vanderbilt, right? so funny! i liked her in the episode i saw…she seemed REAL and straightforward and great. 🙂
I love your story…we just had our second baby on April 29 and it brings it all back…I cried when I saw the picture of you three just after she was born…that moment just after birth is so surreal. Congratulations again! 🙂
Thank You, Lord! She is just beautiful.
Oh Jessica, I love her! So happy for you.
She is so beautiful! Congratulations!
Such sweet pictures! I can’t wait to hug you both!
What a beautiful girl!!!! congrats!!!!
Such a beautiful birth story and baby girl.. Congratulations.
She’s perfect! Alleluia Praise God!
Utterly exquisite… I love her so much it hurts!
I read Angie’s blog and saw your sweet Adeline. My daughter’s name is Emma Adeline (16 y/o) after my two great-grandmothers (Emma Amelia) and (Mary Adeline). I’ve never seen another Adeline until now. Best wishes from Mississippi.
Oh my! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! And her name is lovely. And that first picture you posted here… she is amazing!! Congratulations!!
So. so. beautiful. Congratulations!
I am in awe of that face, too! Oh, she is soooo beautiful! Congratulations and may God bless your precious, growing family!
Jess, she is so precious!! I just got my card today in the mail – my ovaries are aching!! Seriously, she’s perfect!! Hugs!!
She is beautiful. Of course, you know I certainly think the name is beautiful. My grandmother, your grandmother and my father are looking down and smiling.
goodness gracious i have never seen such a sweet first face…oh my word…she’s gorgeous & perfect & yummy i’m certain
I did not realize how much she looks like Matthew!!!
She’s so beautiful, such a perfect little face, congratulations! Such a blessing! Your story welled up tears in my eyes. I have a beautiful baby girl who was born Feb 3 (can’t believe it’s 6 months already!)