Heartsy – Use Your $5 Credit
If you signed up for Heartsy a few weeks back, you should have gotten a $5 credit for signing up (this promo is no longer available).
Don’t forget to use your credit!
Many Heartsy deals are$8-$20, so that $5 credit really knocks the low price lower. (Especially since the deals are at least 50% off!)

Today there is a deal for lepapierstudio, which is the most adorable print shop. It is $13 for a $30 credit. This will pay for an 8×10 custom print for your family – including shipping. I first was introduced to this shop by my friend Angie, who has a print of her four girls. I bought this deal and ordered a print of Elias+Adeline. I can’t wait to get it.
There are also deal for jewelry, make-up and handmade baby goodies!
Go shop! (And if you haven’t signed up for heartsy, sign up. It is so awesome!)