An Interview with Llama Llama Author Anna Dewdney
We are HUGE Llama Llama fans in our house. I love reading them as much as Elias loves listening to them being read. When I reached out to Llama Llama author Anna Dewdney, I never thought she would actually respond – but she did! Below is a fun Q&A we did via email. I hope you enjoy her answers as much as I did.
If you don’t have the Llama Llama books in your child’s home library, you need to buy them! They are awesome!
Thanks so much for being willing to do a Q&A for my blog, The Mom Creative. We are such big fans of the Llama Llama books in our home. My almost 3-year-old, Elias, can recite Llama Llama Misses Mama by heart. 🙂
What inspired the Llama Llama series? Why a llama?
The reason I chose a llama for my series is simply because I love the sound of the word. I used to drive around Vermont with my children, mooing at the cows and clucking at the chickens, and when I saw llamas, I had no idea what they said, so I would say, “llama llama!”. The basic story, of course, is based on my experience of putting my two children to bed at night, as well as my own fear of being alone as a child.
Elias’s favorite Llama Llama book is Llama Llama Misses Mama. As a working mom, I love it too. What Llama Llama book is your favorite and why?
My favorite Llama Llama book is always the one I’m working on at the time! I am having so much fun with the little board books right now….mostly because they are so simple and rhythmic. The first two will be out in about six months.
Llama Llama Red Pajama will always be special to me, of course, because he was “born” then, in my head, and because the fear of the dark and a parent being gone is so primal and basic for a young child. However, each of the books has special resonance for me as a mother (and a former child)…that’s why I wrote them. I am a working mother, and I dropped my children off at daycare, and then school, so I remember what that was like. I can also remember what it was like on that first day of kindergarten, for myself… The cubbies! The blankets! The graham crackers! It was all so new.
What is your writing process like? Do you start with the words or the illustrations?
That’s hard to say. I think I start with a feeling or emotion, and go from there. I do a lot of word play, and then start sketching. Creating the books is a bit like creating a collage, one thing layering on top of another. I sketch/write/sketch/write for a long time until I’m ready to get official. Then I start putting together a book dummy (pretend book). I am very old fashioned…I still draw with a pencil and paste my text on my sketches with rubber cement. I think I’m the only one left…everyone else is a computer whiz.
Can you share a bit about Llama Llama Home with Mama (releasing in August)?
Llama Llama Home with Mama was really fun to paint because I got to do a lot of bored, sickly faces. It wasn’t hard for me…this past winter in Vermont was VERY long, with lots and lots of snow, so the dogs and I looked pathetically at each other most of the time. The book is based on my experiences with my girls when they would get sick; it was inevitable that if they had to stay home from school, they would get more bored as the day progressed and they felt increasingly better…until, at the end of the day, they were feeling just fine. But then who feels yucky? Mom, of course! And then it’s time for dinner and a game and stories! Sigh. Being a mom can be very challenging…
I read that you have wanted to write children’s books for a long time. Is the Llama Llama success a bit surreal for you?
The whole thing is incredibly bizarre! In a sense, nothing is different…I still do the same old things I always did; I mother my children (now via Skype, a lot of the time), I run in the woods with my dogs, I putter around my garden, talking to myself, and I draw little pictures. Although now I get paid for the picture stuff, and when I go out into the real world to sign books, people get excited and there is often a giant Llama “puppet” walking around. And it’s nice to be able to pay some bills…that’s a big plus! I figure that I can always go back to teaching if the books go bust, and I’m keeping my CDL (commercial driver’s license) in case I need to become a long haul trucker. Actually, I can totally see myself in a big rig with my bulldog!
I am so humbled and grateful that children have responded so well to Llama Llama! That means to me that I am doing what I try so hard to do – to express, in as honest a fashion as possible, the experiences of small children and their parents.
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These are my son’s favorite books! I will never forget the first one we got from the TN Imagination Library in the mail Llama Llama Red Pajama, we all laughed at the rhymes. My 4 year old knows them all and I am so excited there’s a new book coming out we can relate to as a working Mom. Thanks for the interview.
Great idea for an interview. My twins love these books as well! So fun.
I am in love with the llama llama books too! We started with Red Pajama and just got Mad at Mama in the mail this week! I even call my baby my little llama when she starts crying and getting mad! 🙂
I love your books. They are wholesome however i am a father of three girls and i read to turn every night. I started collecting your books however there is an anti dad theme in your books. My daughter’s are always asking me where is lama papa? I say he’s working late. The only male you have is grandpa and i think a man who delivered flowers.
Request if you can give us father’s who loves our families, and puts our flies first some credit.
Thank you for your time