1. I think they are a thing of the past, but they need to make a comeback. (I do still write handwritten letters) I’m never good at knowing when gifts are a good idea or not though, I just fly by the seat of my pants.

  2. I live in Northern Ireland where hostess gifts are pretty much expected (but maybe just taking some chocolates, flowers or similar) – unless it’s a good friend (but even then you may take cookies if you’re going over for coffee etc). I went to university in Wales, with many friends from England, where it is definitely not expected/the norm.

  3. I love to give hostess gifts! I have an embroidery/sewing machine and usually stitch something on a tea towel when I am invited to someone’s home. I posted about it on my blog just a few days ago. I think it is a very thoughtful way of thanking the hostess for all the work involved in having people over.

  4. Does DaySpring have any other codes for free shipping or an additional percentage off – I know sometimes they do. Love these 4 plates!

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