A Visit Update

Today is day five of my trip to Wisconsin with Adeline and Elias.
We are having a lot of fun and I can’t believe how quickly the days are going. The kids are doing well, especially considering that they are out of their “norm.”
Here’s a recap:
- Elias has blown lots of bubbles with Papa
- Elias has had several additional birthday celebrations and has spent hours playing with his new toys. His favorites include cars from Cars 2, Thomas trains, a big Spiderman and lots of dinosaurs.
- Adeline has gotten lots of kisses in-between her seemingly non-stop nursing sessions ‘
- We have taken lots of pictures
- Mom and I did a bit of shopping on Friday and Saturday and scored some great deals at Old Navy ($4 swimsuits – hooray!) and Target (75% off toys!)
- We spent the day at my Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jim’s yesterday for a family pool party (with my Dad’s side of the family). The party also included lots of birthday celebrating (Aunt Sandy’s, Adeline’s, mine, Dan’s, Elias’s and my grandma’s birthdays have all been in the past month). Elias had fun showing off and doing lots of playing (although lack of a nap did him in a few times!).
- Yesterday, I also got to visit with my friend Emily (aka “Roommate”), my sweet college Roommate. We met at a camp in high school and have been close ever since! We hadn’t seen each other in more than two years and it was soo great to see her.
We actually spent the night at Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jim’s so that we could drive to Iowa today to go see Sara, and I am soooooo excited. They live in Madison, Wisconsin which is about an hour and a half closer to Sara. I’m thankful that Mom and Dad will be doing the driving so I can juggle keeping the kids happy in the backseat.
Matthew made it safe and sound to Bolivia last night. He is there with World Vision. You can follow the trip here. Please be praying for the bloggers and the wonderful people of Bolivia that World Vision serves.
Happy August!
Glad you’re having such a wonderful trip!!! My son Taylor and Elias are only about two weeks apart and those items you listed are four of his faves right now too! He’s obsessed with Cars, Thomas, and dinosaurs and has just recently gotten into Spiderman.
Too cute.
I hope the rest of your trip goes beautifully. Blessings!
Ahhh!! If only I would have known you were in Madison! You were only 30 minutes away!!! Please tell me you got a photo at the Union Terrace!
I have a college friend that has a little boy & girl and those are their names!!! How random is that?! Cute post by the way
looks like it was a wonderful time!