Adeline:: 2 Months Old
Adeline at two months old rocking her Harper and Eden headband and sticky bellies sticker.
How is it possible that my little girl is already two months old?
We went to the doctor this week and she is in the 97th percentile for weight (13 lb. 8 oz) and 88th percentile for length (23 1/4″).
That’s what happens when all you do is drink mommy’s milk. 🙂
She has just started to coo in the past week.
She smiles more and more every day.
She can hold her head up.
She doesn’t like to take long naps during the day.
She only gets up once a night – and sometimes sleeps the whole night through.
She still doesn’t take a paci very well.
She blows bubbles constantly.
Her brother adores her and wants to give her kisses and hugs all the time.
She takes my breath away.
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Adeline at one month
Adeline is absolutely precious…I’ve been following your blog since Elias was born.
God bless you guys! and He has.
Mine will be 2 mos on Thurs & doing much of the same. Happy to read that. Short naps are the worst but longer stretches at nite are great. No paci drives me nuts my other 2 took them no problem I’m even trying to get him to take his thumb- anything to help soothe him! Thank goodness for white noise. He won’t be quite 13 lbs but I’m hoping for arnd 12. Adeline is adorable! Congrats on 2 mos!
She is so beautiful! And that face next to her monkey is priceless!
She sure is taking a long nap today! All she has done is eat and sleep since I got here 🙂
Love those spit bubbles! She just keeps getting more precious 🙂
also, I think she looks a lot like you
Precious girl….Love the expression….What are you doing now mom ??? So adorable ,,cant wait for Christmas to see her again !! 🙂
Oh she is so fabulously adorable!