Back to Work

Will you say a quick prayer for our family today? Today is my first day back at work, which is going to be a big adjustment after eight weeks of maternity leave.
Matthew has both kids all day for the next two weeks before school starts back up for them, so he needs lots of prayer too.
Things on my mind:
Adeline: Adeline is much more attached to me than Elias was. She loves to nurse and isn’t a huge fan of a bottle. We had Avent bottles, but switched to Tommee Tippee, which she likes a lot better. But she has never had more than one bottle in a day, so I don’t know how today is going to go for Matthew. She also hasn’t really gotten the hang of the paci, so often has been using me as a paci (which is not good and won’t make things any easier)! I am only 15 minutes away, so if I have to come home, I will. Pray she eats well, naps well and just does great with her Daddy.
Elias: Elias has a really special bond with Matthew and they play hard together, usually while I am taking care of Adeline! Things are going to look a little different with Matthew having to juggle both, especially if Adeline is a hot mess. Elias has also really been asserting himself and being “three”, which also makes things challenging. Pray that they are able to play together and that Elias doesn’t feel slighted. Also that Elias is a good listener. 🙂
Matthew: It’s A LOT having both kids from 9-5 (you stay at home moms are AMAZING!). Pray that the days are not terribly hard and that it is a special two weeks for him and the kids.
Me: Please pray that I am able to get in the swing of things at work, and the I am able to integrate pumping easily into my day.
Thank you for your prayers. I am so grateful.
praying for your family during this time of transition.
Absolutely. Praying for all four of you.
I’ll be praying for all of you today, especially Matt! I struggle with staying home full-time…it is so much more work than any job I’ve ever had!…but I can’t imagine staying home with a baby and not being the one who can breastfeed it. :/ Stay at home dads are my heroes! Does Matt have a carrier he likes? (I’m picturing him wearing Adeline in that gorgeous purple wrap.) 🙂
I hope the day goes smoothly for all of you!
We have a plain moby wrap, but Matthew hasn’t learned how to use it yet. 🙂 I bet he will this week.
Prayers for all 4 Turner’s for a smooth transition.
Praying for you all that things go well! Also, can I just say, your husband is awesome! I don’t know too many men around where I live that would stay with their kids for more than a couple of hours – it’s so admirable and wonderful!
I will be praying! I’m a working mom with 2 kids about the same ages as your two, and my husband is a stay-at-home dad all the time! It was an adjustment, but he got into the swing of things, and now things are better. Maybe Matthew would like to use something like the Baby Bjorn; it’s more “manly” and my husband liked to use that while he took my son to the park or on a walk. Also, I am a breastfeeding momma, and my baby didn’t like the Avent either; Tommee Tippee worked for her! And we found that as long as I was out of the picture, and it was just Daddy, she took the bottle fine. We had to work with the nipple flow–the ones that come with the bottle are slow flow, and I think my daughter was more used to the faster flow, so the switch helped. Good luck today, and remind yourself, it’s only a season! Pump away! 🙂
Definitely praying!! I return to work next Monday after four months home with my baby boy…I am soooooo worried about it & wish that I could be a SAHM, but it’s not in the cards for us. I’m a teacher so I always have summers and long Christmas breaks, so that’s what I’m living for!!! Good luck…thinking about all of you 🙂
Am certainly praying for all of you, who’ve posted above! Be encouraged! YOU ARE AMAZING! I’m a Mom to two incredible young men, age 19 and 14. Have learned a few things along the way, and continue to do so through every season. Reading your posts, took me back to the beginning days, juggling, sleep deprived, worrying about their comfort and needs being met. Looking back, prayer became my source of peace, and I can see how God answered every one of them. I know He will do the same for you! Out of this journey, came ‘The Mom Ministry’ – the realization that God at the center of my mothering – He uses us greatly to mold our children’s heart and faith! This was the ‘foundation’ and ‘extra’ that was needed for our family’s trials and growth spurts! (Ee’re on facebook too, for anyone who’s interested in receiving regular encouragement).
praying for all of you – I have three kids and it got harder to go back to work each time! as an aside, I cannot imagine my hubs staying home for more than a few hours when any of them were babes, M is amazing!!
Believe it or not, you actually lifted MY spirits with this post, including all of the upcoming worries I have been having as we get ready to welcome our little girl to our family next month. My husband and 2 year old son also have a special bond, and I sometimes wonder how that dynamic will change as we add a newborn to our mix. I also have been wondering how to juggle it all, and am currently working Full Time, so I am worried about how my days will go as I transition and stay home with them both starting in September.
I am praying for your family as you adjust going back to work, praying that Adeline adjusts to eating from a bottle and taking her paci, prayers for Matthew as he stays home with both kids for the next weeks, and praying for you, both for strength to get through going back to work and all of the challenges it may bring after having the last weeks at home, and also praying your pumping and supply stays with you.
It is so hard to be a working mom and the struggles you face, as I remember it was the hardest thing I ever did with my son 2 years ago, going back after 8 weeks. I am just praying for all of these things and hoping everyone adjusts well!
Happy Monday 🙂
Prayers to you and your fam. It is so hard to go back to work. Hope your first day went well. Does Matthew have a baby carrier. My husband stays home while I work and he loves the kangaroo sling an the ergo carrier (better for baby’s hips than the Bjorn). Might be worth a try!!
praying for you and cant wait to hear how the day went!
Eager to hear how the pumping is going. I basically forgot all day today and was very, very uncomfortable!
Gosh, there is no way I could forget. Pumping went great. I pumped the exact amount of milk Adeline drank for Matthew!
Wow this is so quick I wish you a lot of strenght ! and i will pray specially for you the mum:) You can do it ! I don’t how but with kids we do it even when it’s hard ! Take care Jessica !
Praying for a smooth transition back into work. Been there!
Glad it went well! Will hope it continues to:)
I’m a stay at home mom of one Elias’ age and it is definitely hard at times – I marvel at my friends who do it with two (or three or four or five!). One suits us just great;)