1. With each pregnancy, I seemed to get a few more stretch marks. I didn’t get many. Most were very low on my stomach. I used expensive lotion for the first baby, but nothing for the second two.
    I found that the lotion helped the itching, but realized that I didn’t need the expensive stuff. Less expensive lotion worked just as well. As far as healing and lightening? Time took care of that and there was no difference between the healing of the ones I got with the pregnancy that I used expensive lotion for and the ones that I didn’t. They were dark when I first got them, but they all faded. They are still there, but not nearly as noticeable.

  2. I definitely got them in pregnancy and had some from weight gain already.
    I have done absolutely nothing to eliminate them;). I have so many scars like ones from a spinal fusion and where a big birthmark was removed. So I figured it was fitting for my daughter to leave her mark on me as well;)

  3. 2 babies. 2 sets of stretch marks. 2 decades later, and I’ve still got the stretch marks. My husband calls them my badge of honor. Love that man!

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