1. So you do a yearly photo book for each child plus a Project Life book? Do you use some of the same pictures in each book? I guess I am trying to figure it all out.

    1. Yes, I definitely use some of the same photos. We take about 12,000 photos a year. Only 365 make it into Project Life. The annual album for each child allows me to document/print a lot more photos + the focus is on that child. Project Life is really family focused for us and not specific to just one child.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    I found your blog via MoneySavingMom and just wanted to say how inspiring it has been to me! I love to scrapbook and like to think of myself as a fairly good photographer but I am so bad about actually doing either of these things and keeping record of our daily lives. You have given me so many great ideas that I am actually going to use and you keep it simple. I also love the suggestions for the different memory scrapbooks that make it easy to actually record life. Thanks for the great inspiring series and for sharing helpful tips!


    1. Becca – welcome! Thanks so much for your kind words and for joining in the 31 Days fun. I am so glad you have been inspired.

  3. I gave my sister a birthday book for my niece’s first birthday. It’s a great gift. The one I got has interview pages as the child gets older so you can record special things about them.

    1. No every post is not about photo books, but since they are a big part of my memory keeping, I wanted to camp here for a couple days. In particular, the Blessings birthday book is definitely not a photo book. Tomorrow (Friday) I will be talking about traditional scrapbooking, and the previous two weeks have had a lot of great content unrelated to photo books 🙂

  4. I found your blog via Becky Higgins. Thank you for all the different ideas that you have provided for keeping memories. I love photo books we made the grandparents some of our daughter, birth-6months, 7months-1yr, & then 1yr-2yr, as Christmas presents they love them. It is harder now cause she doesn’t sit still for photos like she use too. I have made a book for each of her first 2 birthdays [haven’t gotten around to the 3rd yet] but she loves to look at them. I’ll be checking out the journals you mentioned & the birthday book from this post! Thanks again!

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