31 Days:: Do Something with SOME of Your Photos
This is the 22nd day in a series: 31 Days of Memory Keeping. Check out all the posts here.
This month, I have shared a lot of different ideas to do SOMETHING with your photos.
As memory keepers, we take a lot of photos.
It’s our nature.
But life gets busy.
And lots of times, we don’t do anything with those photos.
They just sit on our hard drives.
This morning I was so inspired by this video from my friend Stacy Julian. She talks about the importance to do something with just some of our photos.
Did you catch that? Just some of them.
So this weekend I want to encourage you to take action and do something with some your photos.
This is my first weekend home in a few weeks, and I am planning to start to get caught up on my Project Life album. I am going to get my album’s photos organized on my hard drive, uploaded and ordered (I am months behind on ordering) and work on some of the journaling cards.
Because I am so behind, I have been pushing this off. But I need to get going. The end will be worth it!
Sometimes it is the getting started that is the hardest, isn’t it?
If you need to get photos printed (like me), here’s a couple great deals:
- On Snapfish
, get 100 photos printed for just $6 shipped! Visit Snapfish
, upload and order your prints, then add the code PRINTSFREE (expires Nov. 30).
- On Walgreens
, get a FREE 8×10 photo collage (I love making these and inserting them into my Project Life album). Upload your photos, make the collage and use the code CLG8X10 (expires today – Oct. 22). You can also get 50% off photo calendars from Walgreens with the code HALFCAL (expires Oct. 24).
- New KODAK Gallery Members
get 50 Free Prints + $10 off your first order with this link.
If you don’t need to get photos printed, you could:
- Make a photo canvas (for free!)
- Make a photo book (for free!)
- Do a mini photo shoot
- Make a photo card and send it to a loved one
Leave a comment with what something YOU are going to do with your photos.
Let’s encourage one another!
Jessica, I am REALLY enjoying this series! It has inspired me to keep up with my memory keeping in my Project Life book that’s been sitting around for awhile! Thanks for all of your hard work on this! 🙂
This is always my 2nd stop of the day after checking in with Bloom! Great work there too! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for this reminder — sometimes I get overwhelmed and therefore just don’t do anything, but lately I’ve been tackling my Project Life albums. Those sales on prints a while back on Kodak helped me get hundreds of pictures printed and every few days I tackle a few more pages, and I’m having so much fun doing it.
My three year old is fascinated by the process and was helping me put together an album last night:) Of course the other day, with my husband in the room with her, she started to dismantle one of my Project Life albums, so we had to have a talk about how they are for looking at and not for pulling cards/photos out of — I gave her some extra pictures I decided not to put in Project Life along with a little album and let her create her own;)
I’m thinking of making a canvas. I’ve wanted to for a while. I do a lot of tight shots, though, and the images wrap too much on Canvas People’s product.
Thanks for all the encouragement, as well as deals! My mom just got her new journal in the mail today {she loved it} and I plan on finishing my photo book {for a friend that lost their ten year-old son three years ago in an accident; I scanned photos of my favorite memories with him, so they’ll know I think of their son, who was also my godson often}.
I’ve also found that sometimes deleting photos from the hard drive can be very freeing. In a world where we have an abundance of our daily needs and wants {which I find brings my life stress sometimes}, I’ve realized that I can reduce this stress, but eliminating some of this “stuff” in our lives.
For example, a recent visit to our neighborhood pool I took twenty photos that are nearly identical of our boys. Being ‘Type A’ I think: “I might need each one of these twenty pictures, someday!” But, reality tells me: “Pick your favorite two or three and you’re good to go!” It’s hard to hit delete, but then the result is that making prints, photo books, etc. so much easier, because there’s less choices {and the best ones have already been chosen}.
Do feel the same away about deleting off the hard drive or have you found another “system” that works?
I JUST deleted about 200 pictures.. I have 20,000 in my iphoto album from the last 6 years and I NEVER delete any. That is going to change now! I have so many I need to go through and organize better, but it sure does take time when you don’t keep up with it. 🙂
Since I have been blogging I am behind with my scrapbooking!!! Thanks for sharing the snapfish deal! I actually have a room to scrap in…ah….but writing is my truest love. However, I take pictures therefore I scrap! Have a wonderful weekend.
Dawn @ Beneath the Surface: Breath of Faith
Thanks for a wonderful series. Because of this series I have ordered a journal and am committed to writing in it for my daughter (hoping she’ll cherish it one day). I ordered 2 canvas, one for my mother in law for Christmas and one for myself. I also ordered a photo book of our vacation with my parents with summer. In addition you have inspired me to begin making annual birthday books for my daughter (already have 2 done with 3 years of birthday – just need to get a groupon and order them) and I started a Halloween book with the pictures I took last weekend pumpkin picking. I love the idea that the pictures won’t just be sitting on my computer.
That’s amazing!