31 Days:: Mini Photo Shoots
This is the nineth day in a series: 31 Days of Memory Keeping. Check out all the posts here.
In May I wrote about mini photo shoots, but I think it is worth repeating during this series.
“Mini photo shoots” are what I call dedicated times where Matthew and/or I take a chunk of photos of our kids, with the hopes of getting some great shots. They typically last 5-30 minutes.
Here are five reasons why I love doing mini photo shoots:
- You always get at least one awesome picture – and usually more than that!
- It is a chance to play with your camera’s settings. I love messing with the white balance and ISO.
- The only way you become a better photographer is by taking a lot of pictures.
- You capture some new photos to send to the grandparents – or at least post on Facebook!
- Mini photo shoots don’t take long to do, but the results are always worthwhile. After all, you can never have too many photos of your child.
This past week I took less than 10 minutes to take some pictures of Elias and Adeline.
I got about 10 fantastic pictures including this gem:
I recently bought the book Mamarazzi: Every Mom’s Guide to Photographing Kids and though I haven’t dived into yet, from what I have skimmed, it looks excellent and inspirational. It covers from baby to teen, composition, lighting, etc.
The book Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera is another excellent resource.
I also have quite a few tutorials/PDF resources bookmarked on my photography Pinterest board.
Do it!
It is beautiful weather across the country today. Consider doing a mini photo shoot. It doesn’t take long – hence the word mini – and you will definitely get some wonderful shots. You might even get a shot good enough to put on a free 8×10 canvas.
(Oh, and since someone is bound to ask, I shot all my photos with a Canon 40D and a 50 mm 1.4 lens.)
So Sweet of both Elias and Adeline…..creating a close bond already 🙂
Absolutely stunning gem of your two sweet little ones! You are SO blessed! 😀
I used this idea from you last fall…I took my daughter to a cut corn field with pumpkins and other fall decorations I grabbed from my house. She was dressed in her turkey jumper and I got the greatest shots! So easy and make a great card! LOVE your blog!
Thanks for sharing your resources. I must check those out.
Have you heard of Me Ra Koh’s Your Baby in Pictures? It’s wonderful. Some of the ideas of helped me to photograph adults too! It’s has 40 photo recipes that are so simple and fun. Lots of easy tips as well. It’s like talking story with a friend only in a book 🙂
I’m just now going through each day. I really like this idea. I only have one more child left at home. However I still plan on doing this. I also have a new Grandbaby. This will be fun for me to get nice picture of her too.