1. Awesome book, Jessica! It’s nice to get ideas and I love that Shutterfly gives you plenty also. I’m working on book #3 🙂 All because you got me started with making photo books thru Shutterfly! Thanks.

  2. Very nice book, Jessica! I enjoyed your post about the retreat and the book does a great justice reflecting it. I also have a Shutterfly Groupon expiring here soon. I’ve been working on a book for our annual Ohio State-Michigan party, years 2008-2010. It’s great to look back at all the fun we’ve had through the years. Go Bucks!

  3. I love the photobooks but am having a difficult time understanding how/why of resolution for best pics. When you crop it reduces pixels then I am warned that the resolution is too low. I would love to know how to get the best/sharpest pics while still being able to crop where I need to. Hoping you can help out with this, this week. Loving your 31 days. will be sad when it is over.!!

    1. I always shoot/upload my images in high res, so even with cropping, I don’t generally have this problem.

      1. Perhaps you are doing so in RAW with a better camera than I have. I upload from the camera how ever it comes out :o) So not sure what I can do to improve the end result. When I start I get no warning (Shutterfly), after I have cropped I do.

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