1. I can’t wait to finish our Christmas card this year! We’re going to LA and taking pictures on the beach and then to the Sequoia National Forest to get pictures in the mountains…it’s a California Christmas…we live halfway between the two. So excited! And Shutterfly will be my printer of choice!

  2. It would be very much appreciated if our family could get the extra bonus 🙂
    Thank you so much for this offer and Merry Christmas!

  3. I keep the cards of anyone who sends us a photo card, but non-photo cards get thrown out a couple weeks after Christmas. I am seriously bummed when I get a non-photo card. That sounds Scroogy, but seriously, I love photo cards!

  4. I have an email from Shutterfly that says the code is good through the 16th.

    If anyone with school-age children had pictures taken from LifeTouch, check your package envelope. I had a $20 coupon code for Shutterfly. When combined with this code and a free shipping code (SHIP30…don’t know if it’s still good), I paid almost nothing for my cards this year.

    (As a side note, Shutterfly recently bought the Tiny Prints company so we should see some amazing stuff in the near future!)

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