1. My sister in law came across her grandmothers breast pump when we were cleaning out my in laws house. I will post a picture of it on instagram. It’s glass and small and it looks like a horn for a tricycle. I love your idea. I get a kick out of old things from the past.

    1. I plan to tuck one of my milk bags + a picture of my pump in Project Life soon. Definitely a huge part of my life right now!

  2. I love this… thanks for creating! I know this will bring a lot to everyone’s PL album. It is the little things that make this book so special. And as you mentioned, it will be so neat to look back and see the cost/design of of everyday life materials.

  3. Love the list! My kids and I met my husband for lunch one day last week and I included the restaurant logo that was on part of our food packaging. I agree that one of the greatest parts of PL is how easy it is include all these bits of real life!

  4. This is awesome!!! I immediately Pinned it to my Project Life board!! Its this little bits of life that I usually forget to add so this will be wonderful to have! Thank you!

  5. Thanks for the list. I was thinking about this very thing, what would be valuable in a few centuries time. I recently visited a war museum, and somewhere read the comment that because many of the typical WWII items were so common, they were thrown away, and is, as a result, now very rare to find.

  6. Oh, Jessica, your list is fantastic! I was just starting my list for PL memorabilia and you have bumped it up by 100! 🙂 Lovely, wonderful ideas, thank you so much!! The best things I included in PL in Jan was a prayer & a letter my sons wrote respectively at church youth camp – priceless.
    Came from Pinterest too, off to check out rest of your blog!

  7. Great tips.:)

    Do you have any tips please on how to incorporate some of these items into project life/scrapbooks? I was thinking of using the WRMK photo fuse.

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