Free Printable: 100 Bits of Life for Project Life
I think what will make Project Life albums even more fun to look at in 20 years will be the additional “bits of life” that are included – receipts that include the price of milk, packaging from favorite foods, movie tickets, etc. I have created a list of 100 bits of life you could include in your album. This list is certainly not exhaustive, but is a great starting point.
I hope it will be useful and inspirational.
Please feel free to link this post on your blog, pin this printable to pinterest, share on Facebook, etc.
Click here to download 100BitsofLife or view the list below!
Everyday Life
1. Billing statements
2. Netflix packaging
3. Packaging from household products (Diapers, paper towel, cleaning products, etc.)
4. Packaging from online shopping (Amazon, Totsy, Zulily, etc.)
5. Breastmilk bag
6. Store ad
7. Newspaper clipping
8. Magazines
9. Prescription paperwork
10. Favorite DVD (the digital copy that often comes with DVDS)
11. DVD packaging
12. Cover of a book
13. Receipts
14. Favorite CD
15. Appointment reminder card
16. TV channel guide
17. TV program guide (favorite shows highlighted)
18. Auto proof of insurance card
19. Vehicle registration
20. Lesson schedule (piano, voice, dance, acting, work-out, etc.)
21. Seed packet
22. Food labels/tags/packaging
23. Fortune cookie fortune
24. Starbucks/coffee wrapper
25. To go menus
26. Receipts (gas, dinner, grocery shopping, etc.)
27. Daily log-sheet (day care, home health visit, etc.)
28. Shopping lists (Target, grocery, etc.)
29. Groupon print-out
30. Business cards
31. Tag from new clothing
32. Ribbon of support (breast cancer, missing person, military, etc.)
33. Wristband of support
34. Stamps
35. ‘I Voted’ sticker
36. Presidential campaign bits
37. Favorite recipe
38. Hospital bracelet
39. Paint chip
40. Food packaging
41. Church bulletin
42. Funeral card/program
43. Post-it notes
44. Game pieces (monopoly money, apples to apples card, playing card)
45. Price tags
46. Daytimer or calendar page
47. Pay stub
48. School ID/work ID
49. House key
Special Occasions & Adventures
50. Playbill
51. Theatre ticket
52. Movie ticket
53. Concert ticket
54. Sporting event ticket
55. Handwritten letter
56. Birthday invitation
57. Trip agenda
58. Hotel keycard
59. Nametag
60. Coffee packaging
61. Small toy
62. Plane boarding pass
63. Luggage tags
64. Celebrity autograph
65. Wedding program
66. Wedding invitation
67. Wedding save-the-date card
68. Seashells
69. Sand (glued to a card)
70. Postcard
71. Marathon number
72. Special event wristband
73. Award certificate
74. Blue ribbon
75. Parking vouchers/tickets
76. Matchbook
77. Money (2012 penny, coins from traveling, etc.)
78. Handprint art
79. Thin child’s mitten
80. Small toy
81. Child’s handwriting sample
82. School progress report/report card
83. School artwork
84. School newsletter or newspaper
85. Baby socks
86. Baby onesie
87. Fabric from child’s outfit that s/he grew out of
88. DVD of family videos
89. Child’s immunization record
90. Piece of yarn cut to child’s height
91. Christmas cards
92. Wrapping paper
93. Fall leaf
94. Dried flower
95. Halloween candy wrapper
96. Thin Halloween mask
97. Valentine’s Day Card
98. Gift tag
99. Annual Christmas letter
100. Seasonal children’s art project (Easter bunny, the nativity, etc.)
What would you add to this list?
<3 this ! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this with us 🙂 a tonne of great ideas.
My pleasure. I hope it is an inspiration to many!
My sister in law came across her grandmothers breast pump when we were cleaning out my in laws house. I will post a picture of it on instagram. It’s glass and small and it looks like a horn for a tricycle. I love your idea. I get a kick out of old things from the past.
I plan to tuck one of my milk bags + a picture of my pump in Project Life soon. Definitely a huge part of my life right now!
Great list … thanks for sharing!
What a great list! My daughter loves leaving me little notes, I would definitely add those too!
What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing this!
I love this… thanks for creating! I know this will bring a lot to everyone’s PL album. It is the little things that make this book so special. And as you mentioned, it will be so neat to look back and see the cost/design of of everyday life materials.
What a great list! Thank you so much for compiling it all in one place. This is definitely going with all of my PL stuff! 🙂
AWESOME! thank you SO much!!
Love the list! My kids and I met my husband for lunch one day last week and I included the restaurant logo that was on part of our food packaging. I agree that one of the greatest parts of PL is how easy it is include all these bits of real life!
This is so cute! Thank you 🙂
Joining in with the I ♥ this chorus! Thank you, Jessica!
This is awesome!!! I immediately Pinned it to my Project Life board!! Its this little bits of life that I usually forget to add so this will be wonderful to have! Thank you!
You amaze! 🙂
Beautiful, friend!
very thanks! I’ll use it!!!
it’s godd to have some more inspiration!
Thank you!
Thanks for the list. I was thinking about this very thing, what would be valuable in a few centuries time. I recently visited a war museum, and somewhere read the comment that because many of the typical WWII items were so common, they were thrown away, and is, as a result, now very rare to find.
Library receipt! Your list of books, etc.
Love the list!
Thanks for the handy printable, just printed out and put with my PL supplies!
Hi!!! I’m Amee……..I’ve stumbled upon your blog on Pinterest!!! WooHoo!
I cant’ wait to check out your site! 🙂
I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, Jessica, your list is fantastic! I was just starting my list for PL memorabilia and you have bumped it up by 100! 🙂 Lovely, wonderful ideas, thank you so much!! The best things I included in PL in Jan was a prayer & a letter my sons wrote respectively at church youth camp – priceless.
Came from Pinterest too, off to check out rest of your blog!
Thank you so much for making this awesome list!! I LOVE lists. 🙂
Thanks for the list, this will be helpful in starting my P365/P52 🙂
Thanks, I struggled with project life a few years ago so this will help!
The entire first half sounds like a indenture thieves dream. A key to house car registration billing statement?
ha! That’s funny.
What a fun list. I’ll definitely use this as inspiration.
This is an awesome list! Thank you for sharing. I’ve pinned it, and also just linked to it from my most recent blog post.
Glad you found it helpful!
Great tips.:)
Do you have any tips please on how to incorporate some of these items into project life/scrapbooks? I was thinking of using the WRMK photo fuse.