1. Such cute ideas to go along with the circus visit!

    But, I just had to comment because the first thing I thought when I read this post was, “Hey! Micah has that same shirt!”

    Gotta love Kohl’s. 🙂

  2. A friend in Nashville posted on Facebook earlier asking if anyone knew about discount tickets for the circus, so I just sent her to your blog – isn’t the Internet grand?:)

  3. We have never attended the circus because we support The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald. They have been rescuing abused, crippled and sick elephants for 16 years. Once we learned about the cruel methods the circus uses to train their baby elephants we won’t attend any circus that has exotic animal performers.

  4. My husband and I have 5 grandkids, and have taken every one of them to the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus when it has been in a bigger town, fairly close to us. SO MUCH FUN!! it has been so great to see the reactions from the different kids, at different ages. The older ones, two ten year old identical twin boys, talk the entire time, gesture and laugh out loud. The girls, ages 8, 5 and 2 all react totally differently. The 8 year old laughs and talks about it all, the five year old waves to all the performers and stands up the entire time with her mouth open in constant surprise, and the 2 year old……who talks ALL the time….was totally speechless. she just pointed and stared, but later, seemed to remember most everything she saw and wanted to discuss it constantly, for weeks!! have fun!

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