1. Hi! I really like your pages. I joined in the Lisa Leonard instagram photo thing too hehe. Your style is so clean, but still has the scrapped and cared about feeling. Thanks for sharing your week with us!

    1. I kept my fingers crossed that I would win the gift certificate, but alas. No such luck! It was neat to see so many people share their favorite pieces though.

      I have to chuckle when you say my style is “clean” because I felt like this week had way more going on than I usually do! I tried to cram in so much!

    1. Thanks! This was the first time that I busted out the free downloads, including the Miss Tiina cards. I liked them so much that I actually swapped them out for a couple of my title page cards!

    1. Thank you! It was actually a really uneventful week where we stayed at home most of the time, so it was hard to include the actual “bits” of life like movie stubs or stuff like that. I had to improvise a bit!

  2. Hi Sarah,
    How nice to see you being a guest here for Jessica. Your pages look great and love all the added special touches you gave it. I like the 6×12 of your son, so cute and you made into scrap style, WAY TO GO!!
    Enjoy your week!

    1. It was so fun to do some more “traditional” scrapbooking for this week, something else I’ve never done before for Project Life. Glad you liked it!

  3. Thanks for sharing your pages Sarah. I love including your favorite TV shows. I keep meaning to do that.

    Thanks again for hosting the link party, Jessica!

    1. I think I may end up having to do another collage later for the different shows we watch later in the week though. Monday and Tuesday are our busy TV nights!

  4. I too just now getting my “old school scrap on” in Project Life. I LOVE it, I especially love that I don’t have to.

    Sarah can you tell me how you did the television show collage – my nights are Wed/Thurs – I just realized I could do a screen shot of my DvR list … I’m esp. curious to now how you got such clear images of the shows. Thank you!

    thanks, too for the links to new (to me) fun stuff – and Jessica, as always – thanks for this fun weekly Project Life connection!

    aside: what font is this?! ?

    1. Nathalie, to be perfectly honest….I kind of cheated a little when it came to making the TV collage. I did a Google Image search for the shows I wanted to use and then saved my favorite image results. From there, I used Picasa to create the collage in a 4×6 size. If you haven’t used Picasa before, it’s a free download online. You could also easily do it in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as well. Hope this helps!

      1. Thanks Sarah! I’ve pulled off of Google before too but it seemed like your images were so crip – I’ll have to keep playing with it and learning photoshop – Cathy Zielske’s tiny templates are perfect for stuff like that too.

  5. I love, love, love looking at everyone’s pages and would love to comment on all of them but am having problems with commenting on some blogspot blogs – the word verification won’t let me comment. Is there something that can be done to address this across the people who are going to be posting regularly here?

  6. Great pages Sarah! Absolutely love the photo collage of your favorite TV shows (we are fans of Smash & Castle too!). Also love the pic of your son w/the solid food…classic face.

    Thanks for sharing your pages with us!

    1. I just wish Smash and Castle weren’t on at the same time! I don’t have DVR, so I usually watch Castle when it’s on with my hubby and then I watch Smash online when I get time.

      My poor baby is really struggling with this whole concept of solid foods. There’s been a lot of those faces!

  7. Wonderful guest post! Great pages, Sarah! Off to check out your blog, as I’m a mom of 2 insane boys and always love to commiserate with other moms of boys, lol!

    1. I’ve often heard the saying that “There’s a special place in heaven for mothers of boys.” I believe it! Welcome and thank you for checking out my stuff!

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