(in)courage: The Need for Margin
It is a word that is on my mind A LOT these days.
On a recent phone call with a wise friend, she said, “when I consider opportunities, I think, will I be happy I did this when I am 75 and look back on my life? I have too little margin in my life to say yes to things I should say no to.”
Oh how that struck me.
You see, up until that call, I didn’t think too much about the fact that my life had pretty much no margin.
My days are always go, go, go.
For the rest, visit (in)courage.
Grateful for this post on (in)courage. Also grateful that you’re aware that A LOT is indeed two words. I applaud you, my dear. 🙂
Jessica, thank you for this post! I can relate to it… even down to the words I use. I commonly talk about having no margin for error in my day – or no leeway in the schedule.
It can be a challenge to say no. It takes practice and hard work. And it’s also a challenge understanding that the margins are full of grace. Grace to be who we are meant to be. Whoa – and I think now that I just wrote that down — that I shall start calling these times Grace Periods instead of margin. To remind me that the holiest things can happen when we allow room for the our hearts to respond to His calling instead of filling up every minute of our days. 🙂
Thank you for helping me find that little aha!