1. Hi! First time to hear about your book club and I’m heading off to check it out more. The book sounds amazing, hope to find a copy here. 🙂

    1. It is a great book and you can get it for less than $10 on Dayspring.com. I hope you will join in.

  2. I REALLY need to join. It seems like it is near impossible for me to read these days and my mind is suffering from it. With all of the applications and podcast etc. I am sad to say that I rarely even READ my bible. I am always listening. Thank God that faith come by hearing 🙂 I just came across the (in) courage community a little bit ago and I wanted to be a part since then. Who knows why it has taken me this long to actually be more present/vocal?!? Especially when I need women like you the most right now. I look forward to knowing you more 🙂

  3. I didn’t do the bird since I couldn’t decide how big it was. I did get the Hunger Games necklace for a friend and the spoons for my kiddos.

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