1. Love the pull tab you added to your long journaler. I’ve got a bit of an obsession with washi tape going and really look forward to adding it to my pages soon.

  2. Wow – I love you got so many photos into your design F protector. That’s photo-fabulous! (BTW Hope everyone feels better very soon.)

  3. Just out of curiosity, are you printing your Instagrams at 2×2 when you’re pairing them up on the journal cards? Looks amazing this week!!

    1. I’m not sure how else I could do it. 🙂 Yes, they are printed at 2×2, then I cut them and glued them on the cards. Then I added the washi tape and journaling! So fun!

  4. Nicely done girl….I didnt even look this am cause I was sure you didnt have time 🙂 love you !!!!

  5. Love your layouts! I just got my project life kit in the mail and am about to get started, thanks to your inspiration! Have you always printed your photos at home? If not, did you (or anyone else reading this) have a system for how often you ordered photos? I am trying to figure out a realistic method to keep me on track.

    1. No, the previous 3 years, I did not print at home. Honestly, I never completed my album… every year, I would tucker out by the end. I recommend printing at least every two weeks to stay on top of it!

      1. Thanks! One more question: Do you typically plan out your layout before you print your photos, or do you just print the photos you know you want to use and then create the layout from there using the page protector design that works best for what you have printed?

  6. It is so awesome to see how the same core supplies make such different pages! I also just noticed that people are sharing weeks outside the “current” week and think that’s cool. I sort of stepped out of the PL sharing process and am glad I’m back because I just love this community. I couldn’t figure out the link so here is my week 17 link and i’ll work on figuring it out! http://nathaliesnotes.typepad.com/nathalies_notes/2012/05/project-life-week-17.html

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