1. I love the page with the pictures from the Pool, and the long photo at the top. Beautiful! 🙂

    It’s good that you’re doing a photo book for her bday party. I’ve got a vacation coming up in a few months and I told my husband last night I’m going to end up having to do a mini album for it. I’ll have way too many photos for Project Life!

  2. I love the photo of Adeline with the fruit pouch. My son (who is a month older than Adeline) LOVES those. We call them “squeeze-ee” fruit at our house. 🙂

    1. I love that shot too – especially because it is just such an ordinary every day moment, you know?

  3. Babies in tutus, really is there anything cuter? Makes me wish that was more trendy when my sweet Isabelle was a baby (now she is almost 9, sigh)

  4. Jessica, this weeks pages are so AWESOME and SWEET!! She is such a cutie in all of these fun bday pictures. It must be so fun for you to have a little girl to dress up and do girlie things with. I can’t believe she’s one already, time does fly, so glad you have these memories in here to remember how fun this age is. Thanks again for linking up for us. Enjoy your week!

  5. I would love to know where you get your large format picture paper from? It’s pretty expensive so I usually just print enlargements at Costco. I have the same printer as you. Thanks for any help.

  6. I love the pictures from Family Pool night. We go to the pool a lot but since I have a 3 yr old, I have hardly any pictures of us there. Finally dragged my husband along earlier this week and put him in charge of the camera – didn’t get the exact picture that I wanted, but some is better than none.

    1. You definitely should find a way to take pictures. Maybe have your 3YO sit on the edge of the pool? I often swim holding my SLR above my head to get good pics of the kids in the pool. Risky, but worth it. 🙂

  7. Love this week Jessica ! Yo have taken such great photos of both the kids, Adeline’s party. Adeline is such a sweetie so cuddly and I think E’s froggy swim bands are so cute! Really loved how you used the wrmk protector it was so inspiring!

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