1. We’re going in the opposite direction…sold our house and moving to a condo. I’ve been packing all week trying to decide what to sell and what to keep. It’s been kind of a crazy summer. And we never even had our house for sale. It all started with a phone call from a stranger asking if we’d be interested in selling our house…! Hope you find the perfect place!

  2. Hurray! Praying for the right home long term; schools, shopping, church. Trusting God to make it clear for you. Blessings

  3. Good Luck with your home buying… So exciting! Just think of all the awesome stuff you will have documented in Project Life when you get caught up :o)

  4. So exciting! Congrats on selling and hopefully on buying the house of your dreams! I’ve been sick this week but plowing through. Now we’re headed to the Williamson County Fair!

  5. So happy for you that you sold your condo! It’s been a long time coming and I can’t imagine how awesome it must feel to move forward. Good luck with your house decision.

  6. I am so happy for you and your family, while the next few weeks may be stressful it will all be worth it when you’re settled into your new home. You will love having extra room to stretch out in.

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