1. Thank you so much for sharing these with us each week! You are truly inspiring! I am just getting ready to start project life and had a quick question for you! I plan to do more of a monthly style layout rather than weekly as I know that will fit my life better at this point. I typically print all my pictures at shutterfly or snapfish in bulk when they have a big sale which makes them all 4 x 6. My question is do you re-format your pics ahead of time and shrink 2 images down to put them both on one 4 x 6 print if you are going to put a picture in the 3 x 4 spot? I would be fine cutting my original 4 x 6 prints down after I get them, but I’m not sure I could think far enough in advance to shrink them before printing them. And if you do re-format them, do you use a scrapbook software like Photoshop? Thanks for answering my silly question!!!

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