1. Aww so sweet , love the photo Matthew took of Elias and aren’t the two of them cute. Our two are so similar personality types as your two and even now as 4&6 they are still each others best friends and want to play and be together , makes my heart so happy to see it continue and develop.

  2. Mine are 9 and 5 and while the sex’s are flipped (girl oldest boy youngetst) they havever simial personalities to yours. And they are best for friends still, in fact my 4th gader is buddy class to my son’s kinder class and she insisted that her buddy be her brother. Warms a mom’s heart when your kids love each other so much

  3. I feel like I know your babies, but I sure do wish I did. I forget sometimes I’ve only seen ’em in pictures (except for that sweet time with Baby A at the beach).

    Love you.

  4. I could have written this!
    My two girls are the same way. The almost 4 yr old has an amazing memory that gets me in trouble sometimes. She loves playing with the 11 month old who is super stubborn.
    Hearing them laugh and giggle together makes my heart so happy!!
    Your two are super cute!!!

  5. Oh girl. You had me tearing up with this one. What a wonderful piece of writing that captures the treasures and the challenges of your incredible babies! Print it out and into Project Life it goes!

  6. This is so touching. It takes me way back! Our son and daughter were strikingly similar to your description of your beautiful children. Superheroes, dinosaurs, books, bath time…so many wonderful memories!! They’ve grown up (recently turning 25 & 22!) and hit a few bumps along their road as siblings but have always, always been the best of friends. Our son graduated from college in May and will be moving out of our home next month. It’s going to be so difficult for our daughter to see her beloved brother go. My husband & I have close relationships with our siblings, so I believe our kids will continue that family legacy. Siblings are the ones with whom we share our longest relationships!! So happy your two are enjoying each other. Blessings on your happy family.

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