1. Yay for you getting photos printed ahead of time. I print all mine at home, because then I can “steal” bits and pieces of time to work on it. I firmly believe PL, or any memory keeping should be fun, and not a chore or obligation, so kudos to you for stopping when you weren’t feeling well.

    Hope you have a better day soon! Thanks for hosting the linkup. I always love looking at others’ pages!

    1. Yes, I am feeling better today, so going to bed was the right decision. Family and health have to be priority #1!

  2. It’s good to hear you were able to catch up! I am pretty far behind myself. I. Have a 2 week old. I just didn’t feel like working on it the last few weeks of pregnancy, so I haven’t even looked at it in several weeks. I am thinking I am around 7-8 weeks behind. I am hoping to be able to get back into a regular routine of working on it soon and get caught up!

    1. Katrina – my baby is 3 weeks old, so I get how you feel! I was behind by several weeks back in the spring because I felt so crappy. Don’t stress about it – take care of your baby, get rest as you can and come back to PL when you’re ready. It’s supposed to be fun, not stressful 😀 And congratulations!

      1. I will tell you that last year’s Project Life album is the most empty of my four years. Don’t despair. You will get your mojo back! 🙂

  3. Hope your head is feeling better. I think getting the pictures printed really is half the battle, after that everything falls into place nicely. I printed 5 weeks worth during my last print and loved how quickly everything came together. Have fun with your inlaws!

    1. Last night was rough, but I am doing well today, thank you! Yes, the photos are definitely the biggest part of the battle. 🙂

  4. I am a new grandmother to little Ella. . . I am curious how you are going to help your mother-in-law get started on PL. . . I have boxes of photos and school treasures for kids now ages 23 – 33. How can I address all of these in true PL style?

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