1. Be sure you didn’t include the period. Also, while the $25 credit can be used on anything, the coupon code must be used on cards.

  1. I just tried this and when I click on the new customer link it goes to the minted place but you have to place a 100 dollar order to get the 25 dollar credit. Super sad b/c I dont need to place a 100 dollar order at this time. Just thought I let you know.

      1. Kristin- Thanks for letting me know I wasn’t the only one. I even did the live chat and I think he thought I was crazy and stupid. It was a great deal but I still don’t want to spend that much on cards. I will look for another deal. I love the deal Jessica told us about and was all for it to get my Christmas cards out of the way.

    1. Yes, I posted this on Facebook. Apparently, they were inundated with people taking advantage of this and they changed the deal from a $50 purchase to a $100 purchase. 🙁 It is always best to take advantage of deals like this right away because too often retailers change the terms (especially when A LOT more people take advantage of it than they anticipate.)

  2. My gliche was that the offer for new customers is $25 off of $100, not $50. I was at $91 so I just ordered another journal and called it good.

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