1. Hi Jessica! Beautifully done! I love it and it will add so much for your Thanksgiving season.

    I have a really random question that I wondered if I can ask? Do you remember where you purchased the stand that you put your canvas on, of Matthew holding Elias when he was just a baby?? I just ordered my first canvas (yay!) but I’m looking for a stand for it to go on as well and wondered if you remember where you bought yours.
    I just want to say thank you as well for your amazing web site. Honestly! I mean that. I check it and read it each and every day and just love you, your zest for life, your encouraging words, and deals you always tell us about! You are such a blessing!
    Blessings to you and your family!

    PS…Guess where my boyfriend lives??? Nashville!! 🙂 I’m coming to visit him on the weekend 🙂

    1. I think I bought it at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Enjoy your visit to Nashville and thanks for your kind words. 🙂

  2. Hi Jessica,

    That banner looks amazing and I would love to see about purchasing that huge punch! Any idea about how much it costs and would it be possible for you give us a heads up on the link to be able to purchase it tomorrow? I’m sure I will forget and would love a reminder and link if possible.


    1. Hi Becca, I can’t promise a reminder here on the blog. Maybe you can put a reminder in your phone? It is $35.99.

  3. I came across your blog through a link on Ann Vorskamps A Holy Experience. I am now a subscriber to your blog too! This banner is so beautiful!The colours are so effective. I hope the punch will also be available in the uk.Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Do you the Gratitude Journal that is designed with Ann Voskamp’s pictures and quotes? I saw it on your site a long time ago, and have been wishing for one.

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