1. Your pictures are joyous.

    I feel I should pass this info along, just in the off chance that your daughter was sliding at the playground on your lap. A close friend in Chicago has a little guy about the same age, and he was injured sliding down a slide with a big person. His leg was sprained.

    I know you to be an outstanding Mom from reading your blog — only mentioning this just in case you didn’t know about it. God bless you and your whole family.

      1. Yes, it’s one of the most common ways little kids break legs — we have a friend whose son broke his leg sliding with her:(
        I still went on the slide with my daughter though — as long as her legs are on top of yours, you’re fine:). The problem is if their leg is on the side of yours between yours and the slide — that’s when it can get bent back and sprain or break. Love the pictures — such fun moments:)

  2. I was just thinking this same thing last night. We were sitting at the dinner table and I was just enjoying the voices and giggles of my 6 year old and 2 year old. My 6 year old loves jokes and this week he surprised me with one that actually made sense and was funny, “Why did the cow do jumping jacks? —-> To make a milkshake!” The kids giggled and giggled at all kinds of silly jokes that made sense to only them. I thought about how one day I will miss these little adorable voices and cute giggles, when silly jokes aren’t so funny to them anymore.

  3. Could not agree more! I reflected similar thoughts this morning when I came to work feeling refreshed after a weekend of family time. We have a 3 year old and an 18 month old and although our house is chaotic, I wouldn’t trade the weekend of chalk drawings, book reading, and playground fun for anything in the world.

  4. Such wonderful memories! My kids tend to remember the little, seemingly insignificant, moments more than the “big” stuff.

    Last night I got to cherish the fact that my 6YO son fell asleep in my arms. He was waiting his turn to take a bath and just zonked out. So I enjoyed those few minutes of holding him, changed him into his jammies, and my husband carried him to bed.

  5. I thought I recognized you. My sister and I had gotten lost you and Ann and a few other people were stepping off the elevator as we were waiting to get on. Loved the weekend, was challenged and encouraged.

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